Candidate PT

Nov 13, 2008 19:37

Who: Balinne, D'kai, Jakkal, Javeri, Niala, Suizen, Sunniva
Where: Plateau
When: Not sure!
What: Candidates. PT. Horrors!

The entire plateau has been transformed into an obstacle extravaganza. The obstacles are numbered randomly. Number one are circles of woven vines set in two parallel lines, offset so that they nestle against each other and allowing the candidates ease in running through them. Number two is a tall wall. One side of the wall has a rope for the candidates to climb; the other side has a cargo net for them to roll back down to the ground. The third obstacle is a set of six hurdles set about four feet high. Number four is a mud pit with vines stretched over the top. Number five is a set of five vertically suspended woven circles. The circles are suspended by strong ropes so that they hang freely about three feet in the air with approximately a foot of free space between them. The last individual obstacle is a short zip line. The pole at the high end of the zip line isn't that tall, only about twenty feet, and the zip line itself is rather shallow, but it might give some of the candidates a fright. The pole has had foot and hand holds chiseled into it so that the candidates can climb it.

The teamwork portion of the course features yet another mud pit, this one significantly bigger and dotted with posts. The posts appear too far apart for a person to jump between them, and it's evident that the candidates are somehow supposed to cross the pit. Off to the side are three split logs, about seven feet in length. The logs aren't split evenly, one side is thicker than the other, and the middle ripples. In addition, the tops are rounded, making them potentially difficult to balance on.

From the entrance to the plateau, the obstacles are too far away for their purpose to really be known. Riders and residents have already gathered, ready to watch the candidates be put through their paces. Several candidates are gathered around as well, herded into a group like beasts. The mostly look confused and apprehensive, what could be in store for them? Dont do anything until they tell us, one young man loudly whispers to everyone that can hear.

Jakkal's gaze is upon the other Candidates and not the obsticles, as if he feels that some of _them_ might be the biggest challenges of all. About the only one he doesn't settle under his gaze for a moment or two is Niala.

On the one hand, Sunniva is glad she changed into pants before this ordeal. On the other, she's sorely regretting her choice to go with a ponytail, rather than a bun. The sight of the mud -- and there's so much of it! -- is enough to send shivers racing down her spine. She hugs herself, a brave face being put on ... but not terribly convincing, all told. She's with the other candidates, naturally, but is trying to carefully and oh-so-subtly worm her way toward the back.

Broken bones, torn skin, lots of tears. This is what will come of this brilliant idea. It's like someone /wants/ to kill members of this candidate group. There's certainly not a lot of hope on Javeri's face that she'll do well here. Especially not with the bandage on her left hand from many mending accidents. She stands in the middle of the candidate group in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Mud is not a problem for her just her inability these days to come out any day without some new scrape or bruise. "If we don't die this could be fun."

Niala follows the throng of candidates, ready for the 'fun' planned for the evening. She's wearing ragged work clothes that most certainly can get dirty, and it looks like they will. Mud. /She/ smiles, she likes mud, though she doesn't seem too pleased at the idea of having to embarrass herself infront of the entire weyr. Turning to Sunni, she offers a sympathetic smile. "Looks like the torture never ends huh?" Jakkal, for all his eye avoidance, is given a slight nod and Javeri, a grin. "Shouldn't be that bad Javeri, the mud might break your fall."

Weyrlingmaster and Weyrlingmaster-to-be stand side-by-side, conversing quietly. B'ryce, at least, looks pleased by the turn in conversation, even if Balinne's mouth is moving faster and faster as she chatters. Eventually, she leaves the old greenrider and heads for the group of candidates, her other duty taking presedence. "Oh, good! You're here," and she grins around. "So sorry, Sunniva," she says softer, voice full of sympathy for the mud-phobic woman.

An older rider claps his hands to get the candidates attention. "Alright then, the weyrlingmaster has set up this course to test your strength, endurance, and teamwork. Start with the first obstacle and /run/ through." He grins. "Yes, you must run throughout the entire course, and," a wicked little smile, "you must go /through/ the mud." He stares pointedly at some of the girls gathered before him. "You will meet someone else to explain the teamwork obstacle. Readysetgo!" He waves his hand, and theyre off running.

Jakkal sends Odakota a grin as the younger, and shorter, lad gets a determined look on his face. Giving Sunniva a wink and mouthing the words 'Even mud, remember?' he returns Niala's not curtly without actually looking her way. When the command is given to go, his lopes his gait quickly into a run, slowling slightly as he begins to go through the hoops, lifting his knees a little higher than usual to be sure that he won't trip on the things.

There is, really, so much she /could/ be saying right now. So, so much. But any time Sunni opens her mouth, her eyes track back to the mud and she gets the shivers again, the line of her mouth pressing flatter and thinner to the point where it might just *blip* off her face altogether. Mistrusting looks are given all around as she hugs herself a bit tighter. But, oh! There's that /rider/ and he gets a dark look for all his enthusiasm. "/Torture/," is all she can blurt out and that scowl is turned to Jakkal before he's moving ... and she is likewise compelled to move through the hoops, lest she be trampled by the candidates behind her.

"Oh," and suddenly there is no more time for talking. Balinne leaps out of the way, lest anyone think *she* is a candidate (thankfully no one does). "Go go go!" she cheers, bouncing on the sidelines as she urges her candidates onwards. "Just don't think about the mud!" So helpful.

Niala gives Balinne a glance. "This wan't your idea was it? Cause if it was....well, you're a little sadistic." A small grin is thrown the greenrider's way, she's just teasing really. She eyes the course warily as the older rider talks, eyebrows raising slightly. That's a lot of running to do, even for someone in good shape. But, he says go, and she goes. She starts off with a nice, steady jog, attempting to stay close to Sunni and Javeri, at least for /some/ company. That is, until she hits the hoops. She almost trips up on the first pair, but manages to catch her balance and complete the obstacle. She speeds up as she nears the wall, this might take some momentum to finish.

"Yes, but who is going to explain why they want to /kill/ us?" Javeri mutters to those close to her with a shake of her head. The obstacle course is given a considering look before they're told to get going. Running at least is not going to kill her. Running the potter can do even if she has to gently (no really!) nudge a fellow candidate or two aside who get too close to her. "Come on, Kameron. Cut it out. This is not an excuse to grope me." With a small burst of speed she gets safely in a group of female candidates. "The worst he can do now is stare at my backside," she announces to Sunniva and Niala. She can keep pace until she reaches the wall where she stops and stares at her hand and at the rope. Yep. Not happening.

Somewhere toward the back of the candidate group is Borley, who hobbles and hops his way through the hoops without much in the way of incident until he hits the last set; then he winds up pitching rear over teakettle on the ground and starts squalling, loudly, about his pinky now being out of joint.

Clearing the hoops, Jakkal's stride lengthens as he heads for the wall. He leaps as he gets there, reaching for the rope but unable to get a firm hold on the thing. He lands but then leaps up, grapping the sharding nuisance firmly in both hands and pulling himself up. He drops into a drop into the net at the bottom and pauses to glance over his shoulder, checking to see if anyone is having trouble once they reach the top of the wall. The pause is but a moment long though, then he's facing the hurdles.

Niala whistles as she reaches the wall, "Great, lovely." A glance is given to Javeri, and her brow furrows. "I think we can do this Javeri. I'll climb up first. Can you grab the rope at all? If you can, perhaps I can pull you up? If you help me by walking up the side of the wall." She moves towards the wall and gives the rope a yank, testing it and looking up at the top of the wall, which suddenly looks much taller.

And just as Javeri stalls, so does Sunniva, who managed to make it through the hoops with a bit of care. "Oh. Oh /dear/." Cue a long, owlish blink -- that edict to run? Yeah, no, that's forgotten -- and then she finally just grabs the rope and glances to Javeri after a look to Niala. "Yes, I believe we can do this." Not that she sounds terribly convinced, but she's trying. She gives the rope a testing tug, then plants a shoe against the wall to attempt a 'walk up' -- while pointedly *not* looking up at the impossible wall.

"Oh, good job, Jakkal," decides Balinne, voice definitely higher than 'conversational'. "Nice roll!" As if this was some sort of race? "It's not so scary," she hollers towards the girls, hands cupped around her mouth. "Just pull!" An eyeroll. "We really ought to start them on physical training earlier..." she murmurs to no one.

Some of the candidates are having problems with the wall. Some can't climb the rope at all, other get half way up the wall, only to slide back down. Still others are getting their feet stuck in the cargo net, ending up hanging upside down, remaining limbs flailing. Spectators on the side cheer, trying to urge the candidates on, but cant help but laugh at some of their antics.

Javeri's eyes follow the rope up and as she asks, "What is the point in this anyway? Rope climbing? I haven't heard of ever having to rope climb anywhere. This is silly. Is it required we climb the rope or just get to the top I wonder?" She gets bumped from behind. There's always a traffic jam at the wall. "This is ridiculous." She looks at her hand and then shakes her head at Niala and Sunniva. "No, no. Don't let me hold you up. I'll get myself up there. It's not so bad really. And I can always seek the comfort of numbweed later. And I am /not/ scared." The last with a look towards Balinne. Hmph.

Niala gives Balinne a curt nod. Of course she can climb the wall, she's just trying to be helpful. She begins to carefully climb the wall after Sunniva, being careful not to jar the wall for her fellow candidate. When she reaches the top, she straddles the wall and gives Javeri a look. "You sure? We can help you if you need it." Look at her, what a strong candidate she is.

Teeth gritted, Sunniva starts to pull herself up. It's slow, sure, but she's trying? And all she can think to say to Javeri is a succinct, "Torture. That is all there is to it." She exhales, sharply, and proceeds to move up further, eventually making it to the top where she has to stop and catch her breath a little ... and try not to look /down/ for that matter. "Torture or murder, at this point." It could go either way.

Jakkal nods at Balinne's comment but doesn't shifts his gaze as it is at that moment that he takes his first jump. Five more controlled leaps and the hurdles are behind him. There isn't even a pause as he drops to the ground right before the pit of mud, crawling quickly through the mess and coming up the other side dirtier but with no serious injury past a little burn from his first false start with the rope for the wall. A few more strides and he's at the handing circles. He pushes at one and it swings slightly. With a shrug, he attempts to pull himself into it but lets himself down a moment later. Raising a hand, he stops the swinging before he gives a quick hop, his hands snagging the next hoop and helping to get him through the fragmented, hanging tunnel.
Unable to resist Javeri calls up to Sunniva, "Just think of the man of your dreams, Sunniva! Bronzerider was he?" She hasn't forgotten after all that someone has a crush on someone. She just needs to start eliminating suspects before making a guess. Then she has to make it up the rope. Clearly gossip comes first! Who wouldn't put gossip before torture? Grasping the rope with her good hand she lets out a sigh. "I need my hands. Not for climbing ropes." Eventually she'll make it up the rope, but there will be one fall about halfway up when her left hand complains too loudly. Luckily she seems fine enough to get back up and struggle up one more time.

Niala gives Javeri a shrug. "Alright then, suit yourself." She ducks and rolls down the cargo net, avoiding getting any limbs stuck in the process. No, no mortification for her yet. She stands and shakes herself out, regaining her bearings, then starts off at a sprint for the hurdles. She winces as Javeri falls, but manages to clap as the girl gets right back up and makes it up. Clapping and running, now that's skill. The hurdles a bit tall for her to just jump over, but she does manage to easily pull herself up and scramble over each one. That appears to be what other candidates are doing. Next is the mud pit, she waits for Sunni, seeming to think that her friend will need a certain amount of support and coaxing to make it through.

"How- oh!" and then Sunni's thoughts are casting back and she's blushing and, well, let's just say she's highly grateful for the net being there when she prematurely lets go of her rope in that moment of surprise. That's a big 'ding ding ding' for it being a bronzer. "You are /dreadful/ Javeri! That is hardly called for!" That, of course, being called as she rolls her way down to an uncharacteristically clumsy landing at the bottom. She dusts herself off quickly and then proceeds for the hurdles. The first goes fairly smoothly, but she flubs all the rest; bruises will be in her near future. It's only when she gets to the mud that she stops, cold. That gets a flat: "No."

"Try hauling yourself aboard a dragon!" is Balinne's cheerful counter. "Or up a cliff-wall - or maybe that's down one...," anyways, "Just think of Search and Rescue! And... stuff!" So encouraging. There's a bit of laughter, quickly hidden with a hand over her mouth, for the up-side-down candidates. "Oh my." Giggles.

Oh the mud! Some candidates are diving headfirst, relishing the chance to crawl through the mud for fun. Others are pacing at the start of the obstacle, working up the courage get gooey, sticky mud all over themselves. Some of the girls are attempting to delicately work their way through the obstacle. "Youll be done sooner if ya just dive in," someone shouts from the sidelines.

"I refuse to apologize for it," Javeri answers with a grin. She makes a seated bow to Niala from the top of the wall before she rolls down the net. That she can do. Once on her feet again she calls to Sunniva, "I know who it is!" There's a teasing gleam in her eyes that could mean that she does or she just wants to see if she can get more information by pretending to know something. Then there are hurdles to deal with and at least she's tall enough these are not a problem. Yay for height for once! The mud pit, which she's coming up fast on, is not going to be an issue either.

It's always best to treat Sunni very carefully around dirt. Mud is new territory for Niala though. "Alright Sunni, I'll go with you. Then, when this is all done, we can go and take a nice long bath and really pamper ourselves." Bribery perhaps? Or maybe talk of this mystery bronzer will work. "Just think about what your 'friend' will think when he finds out that you faced mud and won!" Or perhaps this, "You can't let mud beat you, you're stronger than the mud. Come on, let's go!" Yep, lots of tactics, but will any of them work? She makes to start her crawling trip through the mud, looking back at Sunni, a come-hither look in her eyes.

Jakkal pauses and frowns as his feet prove no help when they finally join the rest of his body in the tunnel, but he pulls himself along and when he gets to the edge, just edge forwards until his hands are on the ground. Then he ducks his head, the rest of his body following as he rolls out of the thing. On his feet once more, he glances back to see Sunniva near the mud. He frowns and then lifts his chin, "You promised, Sunniva!" he booms out before tuning and moving towards the pole for the zip-line.

"You do /not/!" That, at least, Sunniva sounds adamant on. Shouting back at Javeri is enough of a distraction for now, requiring her to turn away from the awful thing to focus on the wicked-evil-former-potter. But then Niala's starting in on it and the young woman turns on a heel to stare at her, hands resting at her hips. Her petulant child impression is, while rare, freakishly accurate. "Oh, no, not /you/, too, Niala!" So, it must surely be one of the other things the other girl says that has her edging toward the mud. That, of course, is a far cry from entering willingly, though. Perhaps a good shove is in order. Or, well, being reminded of her promise by Jakkal. "You are /awful/," is called for his benefit and her nose wrinkles rather sharply. A liiiiiittle closer, enough to dip the toe of her shoe in.

Candidates can be mean sometimes. One horrid young man actually puts his hands on Sunni's back and /shoves/ her into the mud. "Move it, move it! You're slow!" Maybe he doesn't realize who he just pushed, but Niala looks horrified, mouthing to the boy, "Run, now! Fast!" He dives into the mud and is gone quick onto the next obstacle. Niala gets down into the mud with Sunniva. "We'll do this together Sunni, then we'll go and get cleaned up, I promise. And you can dress me in pretty clothes and do my hair and all kinds of girly stuff I don't normally do." Yes, bribery, much bribery.

Coming to a stop by the mud Javeri laughs. "I do too know who it is." But further teasing is forestalled when Sunniva gets pushed into the mud. She can't help it, really, even though she tries. But before she can get into the mud herself she bends over double and clutches her stomach as she laughs. "That is one way to do it," she points out before catching her breath. And since this is the easy obstacle she doesn't wait for Sunniva or Niala and just moves on through it. She may be caked in mud, but that doesn't stop her from grinning on the other end as she sings out, "I know who it iiiis." Childish? Never!

It can be difficult to crawl through woven circles, especially when they're suspended in the air and prone to moving. One poor girl has gotten herself really stuck. She's got her hands through one circle and her feet through another and nothing around her midsection. Despite her best efforts, she can't seem to get anywhere, no matter how she wiggles, squeals, shrieks, and squirms.

And, *kersploot* goes Sunni. She doesn't move right away -- the shock, perhaps -- and seconds later, the thoroughly muddied candidate is pushing up to her hands and knees, eyes slitted and casting about fiercely for the pusher. Not that she needs to, really. "... oh. Oh, Nielzyn, I do not forget a *voice*," is a low, ominous growl; more so, perhaps, because it's the typically mild Sunniva that's uttering it. There's a dark look aimed Javeri's way -- teasing is apparently not the wisest course of action -- and another to Niala -- guilt by association? -- and soon enough she's scrabbling her way along on her belly through the mud with a speed borne of desperation to be /out/ of the grossness.

Once D'kai's caught wind of all merrymaking up at the plateau, he's made no small haste in making an appearance, a cup in hand as he draws near. Candidates caked in mud; candidates caught in things; his smile is quick and flashes bright at the sight, though he sets himself up nearby, fingers of one hand looped through his belt and the others wrapped around his drink. "Way to go, guys! You can do it!" He might not immediately recognize any of those shapes, he's happy to call out encouragement.

Balinne's hands go to her mouth as Sunniva takes a dive. She winces. "Oh dear.." but it was bound to happen. At D'kai's approach, the Weyrlingmaster seizes on the opportunity and scoots his way, standing within conversation distance of the bronzerider. "Ever been through a course?" she wants to know, grinning.

Jakkal pauses at the bottom of the post as he hears the squeals and shrieks. Without another thought he dashes back to the circles and reaches through them, trying to get a hold of her hand and help her start moving along again. "You can do it," his low rumble offers as he locks his eyes with her own, "Come on."

Staring at the fifth obstacle Javeri folds her arms over her chest and shakes her head. "No way. There is no reason for this. It's...ridiculous." She glares at the hoops. "It's not nice to make things just so you can laugh at other people," she mutters to herself as she doesn't move. Scratching at the bandage on her hand under mud she shakes her head once more.

Niala gives Sunni a purely innocent look. "What? I didn't even /do/ anything. He pushed you!" She quirks a smile at her fellow mud encrusted candidate. " made it through." She leans in, "The best thing about getting dirty is the /wonderful/ feeling of being clean afterwards. Come on, let's finish this course, then we can get clean and have a party." She sprints toward the suspended circle, waiting for Jakkal to finish helping the girl out. "Way to go Jakkal, she needed that help." You're acting normal, is a thought unspoken as she gives him a gentle smile. Obstruction gone, she dives into the circles and manages to shimmy herself through rather quickly, rolling out at the end. "That's not so bad if you tunnelsnake your way through and don't use your arms."

To which Sunniva just sniffs audibly, her mood improving once she's out of the mud and able to scrape the bulk of it off of her. "And you do *not*," is muttered to Javeri as she draws closer, her attention drawn to the hoops now. "You go first this time," is an attempt at encouragement and perhaps a smidge of payback for the teasing, then the young woman tilts her head to watch Niala. "I am not sure I shall /ever/ be clean again," she laments, jaw tightening a bit.

"Not like this," D'kai suppresses laughter behind a swig of his juice, though blue eyes drift merrily over towards Balinne. "I've climbed my fair share of masts and nets and ducked booms, though, so I might've well have." Indicating with a slosh of his cup, he adds, "But nothing quite so humiliating as this. You? Hey - c'mon, Javeri, we've all got faith in you!" The called motivation is only diminished by more muffled laughter.

There's a crush of candidates waiting for their turn at the zip line. Many get up to the top of the pole and spend a fair amount of time working up the courage to take the plunge. Once they do, they're transported to a waiting resident who helps them get down and ferries the pulley back to the next candidate. It might take awhile until all of the candidates complete the course.

Jakkal glances in surprise at a familiar voice and offers a pained smirk before he turns to the girl who had, lucky her, arrived that morning from Blue Cliff Hold. "Come on, just one more to go." He sees her to the post and follows, his fingers gripping a little more tightly than strictly required in order to stop them both from falling should she slip. Thankfully, the girl makes it, but she shrieks anew as she slips towards the bottom. Once its back to the top, he grasps the line and gets to the bottom, turning to watch each person who idles at the summit.

"No," Javeri says again as she shakes her head. "I am not...not some form of entertainment. I do not exist so a whole group of people with nothing better to do can come laugh at me. It's not even nice." She watches Niala with a sigh before looking at Sunniva. "You think not? I could tell you right now in front of everyone and we'd all know by your reaction if I was right or not." She probably wouldn't do that, but she has no desire to do this thing in front of her.

Trying very hard not to laugh herself - for Balinne certainly sympathizes with the struggles of the candidates - she bobs her head at D'kai. "Something of the sort," and she explains, watching the goings on all the while, "I was part of the Search and Rescue team, and we did similar drills to help us prepare for whatever situation might arise."

"I endured /mud/, Javeri. /MUD/." As if that's somehow far more grievous than anything else they've had to do. "You can do this. It is /supposed/ to be a learning experience for us." She moves aside, allowing a few more candidates to go while she talks, not willing to budge just yet. "And I do not think you do at all. I already told you who it was /not/, but that is not everyone I know." Her lips purse. "Or. You can do this," a motion to the hoops, "and I can just- just tell you later." And, see? She's blushing through the mud already. How awkward.

Niala is lucky and makes it to the zip line fairly early. She easily climbs the make shift ladder/pole and sits at the top, looking out, eyes wide. Yep, someone's afraid of heights. She starts shaking before taking some steadying deep breaths and closing her eyes. She gulps a couple of times, grabs the pulley, and drops, sliding all the way down to the bottom, screaming all the way. Once on solid ground again, she gives the zip line a dirty look. "Never again....never, ever again. Sharding...stupid...." Sunniva goes to muttering to herself as she waits for everyone else to come to the teamwork area.

Catching his cup under his arm, Deke claps a few times for those candidates slip-sliding down off the zipline. "They're not doing too bad, Balinne! Look at 'em go. Good group, these." He squints a bit, mutters, "What's the hold up, ladies?" Although he's nothing but bright smiles for those emerging, unscatched but mud-smeared, from the other end. "Hey, yeah, search and rescue? That's fantastic. I'd love to do something like that." This last is to the candidate coordinator, of course.

Jakkal has found himself on the opposite side of the growing group of Candidates who have complete the first bit of the course. It just happens that he moved while Niala was idling at the top. Chance, certainly. He spends the rest of the time looking at the next bit of the course and the wood thoughtfully.

If the hearty 'whoop!' from Balinne wasn't show enough, she agrees with a D'kai with a swift bob of her head. "Not too bad. Decent few of them just plow on through, wonderful! Won't be as blood-shy," she decides, her grin wide. "It was fun," she continues on Search and Rescue, "But I couldn't do it, as well as my Wingleader duties. And now the Weyrlings..." or soon to be, as the case may be.

"There's nothing wrong with mud," Javeri points out with a smile. "It's mud. I used to get dirty working every day. This is just- cruel. For every one person who does well there's three or four who cannot. And it's not their fault. Who does this sort of stuff? Who thinks they're ever going to have to? If we all just said no together instead of...of just doing it then we wouldn't have to. This is ridiculous." Someone is so very not happy. "What's the hold up, ladies?" she mutters to herself. "Faranth forbid everyone not get their laughs in." And then despite her complaints since she has to do it she does with no embarrassing getting stuck and the like. Clearly it was just the principle of the thing.

"It is all ridiculous, but we are supposed to be working together to get through this," or something. When Javeri goes through, Sunniva's quick to follow with a bit more grace than she's managed everything else thus far. "And there is /plenty/ wrong with mud," though she doesn't feel inclined to elaborate. Through the hoops and then ... well, there's the zip line, which will go quickly enough for her; no fear of heights in this one and anything else is better than wallowing in filth. Then, quickly onward, to join the others.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Another rider is waiting at the teamwork obstacle. "Your mission is to cross this mud pit using these three logs. If any of you touch the mud, the entire team has to go through the obstacle again. Once you complete the obstacle, you'll get a surprise." She grins and motions for the candidates to have at it. Immediately, a slew of voices start piping up with ideas as how to best cross the pit.

"And if they're not right away, they'll learn to be pretty quickly." Blood-shy, presumably, and the bronze rider shoots Balinne a widely grinning glance for her whoop. He's quiet for a minute, rocking forward on his toes to hear the explanation of the next challange, and then pulls at his drink. "Hey, I heard about that," Deke nods at her knot, pleased, "You have my congratulations! You'll be a fantastic weyrlingmaster. You better be, for Mickey's kids," and, playfully, he narrows his eyes over at the greenrider.

Jakkal remains silent, his eyes moving swiftly over the course, estimating distances, trying to figure how many candidates could realistically be out there at one time. His gaze them moves over the group who is expected to make it over, getting a head count.

Though she's paying attention to those candidates (Really, she is!) Balinne turns a wide smile on D'kai. "Thanks," is said for his congrats. "And I assure you, I am working tirelessly to prepare for them. And I have the absolute best team of assistants I could ask for," and her voice is proud indeed. "All seasoned and experienced. And myself, as well." There's a lift of her chin, a throwing back of her shoulders, and then she's cheering on her candidates once again. "Go go go!! Oh, I do hope they navigate that last mud-pit without injury..."

One candidate seems to think that he can in fact jump from post to post. Unfortunately, he's wrong, and ends up rump first in the mud. He has the good sense to laugh at his foolishness, and joins the rest of the candidates in the discussion of how to get across. Niala laughs at the young man and claps him on the shoulder. "Maybe try listening next time, huh. Generally, they tell us things for a reason. However, that was funny." Then, to the group, "If we set one of these logs over the posts, some of us can start to cross, then we'll pass the next log, over, then the next. After that's done, we can pass each log forward as we need to, crossing as we go."

Since everyone else has brilliant ideas Javeri is content to sit down and wait. Someone else will figure it out. She's no good at these things so why pretend she is? Now, if part of this involved making plates she'd be the first to speak up!

"This. This is obscene." Flat incredulity, that's really all Sunniva can muster for this travesty. She's still scraping mud off from her last incident, after all. "/Obscene/. This 'surprise' had best be anything under Rukbat that we could ever dream of." There's a look to Niala as she explains the plan, her mouth pulled sharply to a side. "Just- oh, for sweet Faranth's sake, just tell me what I ought to do so I can get a bath and try to forget this ever happened."

"And crossing back," Jakkal agrees with Niala's offered plan. "Who do you suggest for that bit?" He looks over the group, "I suggest that those with the _worst_ balance go first. Doesn't make sense to get everyone else across then have to start over."

D'kai adds his optimistic motivation to Balinne's, cupping his mouth with one hand to shout, "Let's see some awesome teamwork, guys!" Whoo-hoo! He claps again, after setting his empty cup on the ground, and crosses his arms as he chuckles for Balinne's words. "If there's anything I can do, let me know, yeah? Oh -" on the matter of injuries, and he cranes his neck around as though looking spy a whole group of bandage-wrapped candidates, "How've they done so far?"

Niala gives Jakkal a small smile. "You and I can cross back, if you want. We've got good balance, and we don't mind mud. I have to agree with you, non-coordinated people go first. Jakkal and I will cross, then come back for the rest of you." She holds up a log for Jakkal, shall we get started then. A small twinkle in her eye, teamwork is very good.

Jakkal nods and takes another log and moves it so that the higher, thicker end is facing him. Then he tries the balance on the log and, finding it secure, gets to the first post and looks to Niala. "Okay, ready for the next bridge," he offers, still not quite meeting her eyes.

Niala hands up the next log, careful to not touch the mud. Meanwhile, some of the more uncoordinated candidates start piling on the log, ready to move and finish the evil course. As one candidate gets on the log, the entire apparatus begins to shake and roll. Theres a whole line of candidates on the log, and they flail and windmill their arms in an attempt to stay on. Will that little jostle be enough to send the entire team back to the beginning?

Not yet among those candidates on the log is Sunniva, who is doing her best to help from her current vantage. In this case, 'help' means calling encouragements in the form of such gems as "Hold steady, all of you! You can do this!" and "You are doing wonderfully!" and "Focus! It is too soon for any of you to fall yet!"

"Ohh, ohh." D'kai cants his body back and forth as all those candidates start to wave and jostle, as if he could throw his weight behind him. "Balance, kids, balance! Use your arms!" Like this, he demonstrates, throwing them out. Like from a distance he's going to be any help at all to them.

Watching from her spot on the ground Javeri's eyes narrow as some of the candidates seem ready to fall. "I am so killing whomever makes me have to start over," she mutters to a few other candidates who are content waiting. She's scratching at her hand and watching the others and the only encouragement she can think to offer is, "You know it'll be bad if you fall." Which, err, might sound like a threat and not encouragement, but she can't help that.

Jakkal narrows his eyes as the group comes before he's had time to set up all three logs. He settles the second one though then gives Niala a mildly annoyed look, though he can't help the smirk. "And so how exactly do we get the third bridge set up with them on the first?" he calls over.

Fortunately, for everyone involved, none of the candidates fall off, though some fall and hang on to the log for dear life. "They pass it to you." She calls, hefting up the board and getting the other candidates to settle it down. The candidates that almost fell crawl the rest of the way to the end of the course without incident. Niala has another brilliant idea. "We should crawl across. Four points of contact, less chance of a fall." Which mean, no starting over, a good thing. She begins to come back, moving the logs as she goes, to pick up the rest of the waiting bunch.

Jakkal shrugs, mildly amazed that those on the log were able to keep their balance and pass the thing over. He works with Niala to get the bridges back to their starting position, him waiting on the third post for the next group to arrive.

And she watches the whole ordeal with a combination of both awe and mild horror. Sunniva's among the latter group to follow suit, with nothing left to say and only a nod for Niala when the candidate makes her way back to 'pick up' the remaining group. She'll make it across one way or the other, avoiding the mud as if it were lava and murmuring encouragements to other candidates to make sure they don't get any ridiculous notions of slipping into the stuff themselves.

Since she's got decent balance Javeri waits to be one of the last to cross. There's a moment when she has to scratch her hand that there's a bit of wobbling, but other than that she makes it right across. Once back on the ground she glares back at the whole obstacle course. The horror of it all! And it's safer than glaring at a person although she does give Sunniva a cheerful smile. "You said you'd tell," she reminds.

Finally! Everyone's across. It only took much longer than it should've. Kitchen workers start to bring out trays of cookies and bubblies, meatrolls and spiderclaw rolls, juice, klah, and water. No alcohol for the candidates today. Other spectators are motioned it to join the party and chat with the filthy dirty candidates. "Wish we could've seen the /riders/ run that sharding course," one boy mutters petulantly.

Jakkal narrows his eyes as the kitchenhands file out. _This_ is their sharding reward!? A _party_ of all things? Rolling his eyes he accepts a glass of water drinks half, dumps the rest over his hands for a quick rinse and then picks out a few meat- and spiderclaw rolls from the edges of the trays. Ignoring the kitchenhand's look, he moves to the edge of the group, trying to spot Balinne to get permission to leave this social gathering.

"I will, after I am clean," Sunniva reassures Javeri, though all that does is make her blush all over again. Her nose wrinkles and, once the 'surprise' is unveiled, she heaves a sigh. "They expect us to eat with filthy hands?" Cue a look at those aforementioned filthy hands, then a dismayed shake of her head. "Honestly. I- oh, Niala! Jakkal! You both did wonderfully!" she calls, mostly to let them know ... something.

Jakkal nods to Sunniva's comment as as he can't find Balinne he just finishes his snack, bits of residual mud and all, before turning towards the general direction of the waterfall pool.

The peevish mutterings of that boy don't go unheard by at least one rider, who genially ruffles his hair as he eager heads for those trays of food; candidates or no, D'kai's not about to turn down free bubblies, who tosses merrily over his shoulder as he snags up one of those small pies, "Would run it in half the time /you/ did, Ri." And then it's onward! weaving through those candidates who beat a hasty retreat to the bathing pools to add his congratulations to the general hubbub of the crowd.

Niala hops off the last post, looking pleased with herself. "Well, at least we got /something/ out of this. Though, yeah, dirty hands." Not even Niala is willing to eat with dirty hands. However, the kitchen people think of everything, and come up to the plateau carrying towels and buckets of hot water. "That's perfect!" Niala runs and cleans her hands, the descends on the spiderclaw rolls. "Glad it's over, aren't you Sunni?" As if she had to ask.

Oh, washing hands? Yes, that would probably be a good idea. Only Javeri has already gotten herself a few pieces of fruit because what's a little mud between friends anyway? And food is most definitely her friend right now. "I never want to do that again."

"Oh, no," the buckets and towels are too little, too late as far as Sunniva's concerned. "I am delighted that it is over, but now it is time for a thorough scrubbing, /thrice/ over." She glances over to Javeri, offering her a faint smile that briefly turns into a grimace at the mud and so forth. "No. Never. That was /dreadful/."

Niala sighs, several spiderclaw rolls eaten. "I'll have to agree with you there Sunni, the mud's starting to dry." She picks at some drying mud and heads toward the bathing pool for a good wash. Jakkal's exit is given a glance, but she can follow him later. Right now, BATH!

As he passes by Sunniva, the bronze rider pauses to pick a flake or two of mud from her hair and beam down at her. Popping the last of his spiderclaw roll into his mouth, he asks of Javeri, "That bad? Really? What happens when your theoretical dragon's spent the morning rolling around in the mud and then you need to clean her? That's some pretty fancy acrobatics, right there, depending on how big the dragon is. Or drills?"

"Then it's doing something," Javeri answers in between bites of her fruit. There's no regard at all for her muddy hands. "This was just...just giving other people something to laugh at. Which is not exactly a past time I take any enjoyment in. Letting people laugh at me." She takes another bite of her fruit as she nods her head.

"Incorrigible," must be Sunniva's nickname for D'kai, as that's all she says to him as he passes. She hangs back a little to just watch the other mud-encrusted candidates go about eating their treats of fruit or spiderclaw rolls or meatrolls or bubblies, all with another dismayed shake of her head. She picks at her own muddied clothes and half-turns, only partially listening to the conversation for now, with the rest of her focus likely being on calculating how clogged the bathing pool is going to be and for how long.

Suizen, being one of the other, unremarkable candidates involved in all this, looks up from where she's flopped. "... could see about makin' mudpies. Given all the muddy already." The treats are left alone for the moment, given the state of her hands.

"No," Deke corrects with a sharp wag of his finger, "It's /supposed/ to be building team skills and seeing who might need to run a few extra laps. Being a weyrling is going to be like running this course, but four times a day. With a voice in your head demanding food and oiling and entertainment, all at once, /right now/." How's that for a pep talk? D'kai grins happily, turning at Suizen's suggestion with a laugh. "Mudball fight?"

Suizen's words are heard and Sunniva blinks owlishly at her at first ... and then with wordless horror. If her shivering doesn't say enough, she finally does say, "Why ever would anyone want to play in that- that /stuff/?" That incredulous look is then turned on D'kai and she just shakes her head, reaching up to brush some dried mud off her cheeks, "Oh, oh no. That is /dreadful/." And don't mind her, she's going to start edging away now.

"Really? So, it was just a lark to invite everyone and their cousin along to have a laugh at us?" Javeri says with a shake of her head as she polishes off her piece of fruit. "No, it wasn't just for all that stuff. There was no reason for the whole Weyr to be brought out to watch people have trouble. So everyone is not so good at everything. That doesn't mean they should be laughed at. And the people who did should be ashamed of themselves." Even the fun of playing in the mud can't deter her from this it would seem. And she does love to play in the mud.

Suizen tilts her head at D'kai, and considers the bronzerider, as her hands automatically gather up some of the mud into a sort of ballish-sorta shape. "Mudball fight?" she parrots back to him, a halfgrin smirking upward.

With a chuckle - one barely hidden, perhaps after he realizes the inappropriateness of such a reaction - D'kai lifts his hands, palm-outward, to Javeri. "Hey, I just came along for the ride. I deserve to know who's standing for the clutch of my dragon, and if they can pull themselves over a wood block or not. Weyrlinghood's no walk in the park, takes some muscle, you know?" Nevermind he was one of those laughing on the sidelines. Suizen? He notes her, peripherally, and sidles a little nearer to the pool of mud. Just in case self-defense is in order.

The second piece of fruit Javeri was holding onto drops to the ground. "Sure," she says softly. "Sure. I'm going to go wash off." Sunniva and Suizen get a wave goodbye before she heads back for the Weyr.

suizen, *candidacy, sunniva, balinne, ~javeri, jakkal, d'kai, niala

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