It doesn't need amputating!

Nov 02, 2008 22:42

Who: Javeri and Iesia
Where: The infirmary
When: The evening following a day spent cleaning dragons at the beach.
What: Javeri hurt her foot while helping clean Jekzith. After avoiding it as long as possible she limps to the infirmary where Iesia is caught in the attempt to make friends.

The candidates spent the day on the beach washing and oiling dragons. There were a few crazy incidents, because how could there not be? However people were generally ok and got out with just a few scrapes or bumps. Then there was Javeri. She had more than a little bump and that's why when she finally let herself be talked up off the beach she was led to the infirmary. However she managed to duck out for a little bit before being seen which is why it's so much later than she was first brought here that she reappears. She hops in on one foot holding the sandal that should be on the foot not touching the ground. There's a definite air of doom about her like she just knows this will be cause for horrors the cut on her foot.

Late enough, at least, that the general crowd has vacated the Infirmary. Iesia finishes with one the unfortunate bed-ridden patients, pulling the small curtain shut to allow them some privacy, and turns to spot that hopping, sandal-holding candidate. An eyebrow arches, a sigh is suppressed, and Iesia strides quickly over. "What did you do?" she wants to know. Forget pleasantries.

Whatever hope Javeri might have had that this would be easy visibly dies when it is Iesia who comes forward. "I, umm." She knows what she did, but she still fumbles over the word because the healer makes her nervous. "I stepped on something in the water and I cut my foot. Just a shell. And it stopped bleeding awhile ago. I'm sure it's nothing I just need a bandage and I'll be fine. Really." A smile from the candidate tries to be convincing.

"You stepped on a shell," repeats Iesia with a look that clearly says 'well, that was a silly thing to do'. A little glance down at that foot, a sigh that's not so suppressed, and Iesia motions towards the nearest cot. "Up, on to it, and prop your foot up where I can see. Did you wash it with anything besides water yet?"

"The water rinsed it off," Javeri says as if it should be obvious it needed nothing else. Moving over to a cot she sits down on it and then turns so she might rest her foot on the bed. "Besides the shell was in the water so it was probably clean right?" Right? She sounds worried about her foot, but was clearly not worried enough to come in sooner.

The look Iesia gives Javeri is very much a sarcastic 'right'. When her back is turned, she rolls her eyes. "I'll be right back," she assures her before vanishing around the side of the curtain. True to her word, it doesn't take the Healer long before she returns, a small pan cradled in her arms. An aide has followed her with a pitcher of what appears to be water. The pan is set down at the end of the bed and Iesia removes the items she carried within it: gauze, bandage, a jar of numbweed, a jar of redwort, and several other knickknack things that Healers use for who-knows-what. "Alright, let's take a look," and she reaches for Javeri's foot.

Waiting for the healer to return is always a trying time. Javeri shifts forward on the cot and then backwards. She looks at her foot and bends her leg to bring it closer to her body like she might protect it. It is there it waits and when Iesia returns she stretches her leg back out guiltily. Her foot is there to be taken and even though it won't hurt she still flinches when the other woman's hand touches it. The wound is longer than it is deep and might even require a stitch or two. The edges are red and dried blood can be seen in the cut. At the least it will require one of those thorough and often painful cleanings that healers are so fond of giving out.

Thankfully, the cleaning will come later. Or maybe not thankfully. Iesia lifts Javeri's foot carefully and takes her time examining the cut. The edges are given a gentle squeeze, but the Healer seems satisfied by the results. "Well," she tells her, gently setting Javeri's foot down once again. "The cut isn't too deep, and it's not bleeding, so you should be fine. I do want to wash it thoroughly, especially as you just told me you did no such thing," and her tone is scolding, at best. "It might hurt a little, but I will numb it up afterwards. If you would be so kind as to put your foot in this bucket..." and the bucket is scooted closer, for ease of foot-putting-in.

"Well, it was in the water," Javeri says in her defense. "I thought it would just, you know, rinse clean. And all." Well, she's certainly not healer trained so should be excused. Although she does sound guilty about the whole thing like she did know better. "It just hurt real bad and touching it only hurt worse and I didn't want to, you know, mess with it." She looks at the bucket like it's filled with something vile and as slowly and gingerly as possible sets her foot into it. "So, umm, I'll still be able to do everything I need to, right? I don't want to get in trouble or anything."

"Because the ocean is so clean, what with all the fish, dragons, ships..." but Iesia doesn't continue, letting her list fade into silence as Javeri's foot is moved. It's the redwort that's selected first, and Iesia unscrews the bottle. "Do me a favor..." says Iesia without a hint of request in her voice. "Roll over onto your stomach, so your cut is up? Thanks." And once it's done, that jar of redwort is liberally dumped over Javeri's cut to rinse it out. It might sting a little. It might sting a lot, depending on pain tolerance. But Iesia is quick about washing, touching and moving her cut only as much as is needed before the water is poured over to rinse it. "What was that?" she asks suddenly, as if having forgotten what Javeri asked.

"Well, it's water," Javeri says like that should make it clean. Water=clean. Although as a potter she is quite aware that this is not the case. She rolls over on her stomach and bends her knee so her foot is up. However much it stings the only thing she does is say, "Ow, sharddit," and then she's quiet. Her other foot twitches whenever the injured foot gets touched, but she stays still enough. "I asked how bad it was," she says which was not exactly what she did ask, but close enough. "I'll be ok, right? I mean it's not too bad, yea? I'm gonna be fine?"

"Right," says Iesia, clearly not impressed with the 'water is clean' argument. But now she's more preoccupied with Javeri's foot, giving it another quick look-over before she seems to deem it 'clean enough'. Gently, Iesia dries Javeri's foot and with a quick, "You can roll over again," lets it go so she can gather her gauze and bandage. "Oh, no, you'll be fine. No need to amputate," she says, her voice completely flat and serious. "It will be tender, but there's no sign of infection. Won't even need to take time off chores." Pity.

Drat. Pain and no freedom from chores. It seems like Javeri's got no luck at all. She rolls back over and lets out a sigh. "Well, that's good. About not amputating." She wiggles the toes on her foot and grins. "I was afraid especially since we'd been talking about losing a hand earlier anyway. It would have just been my luck to wind up really out of, well, luck. Although at least missing a foot I could still work. I'm a potter, you see." She falls silent and then looks at Iesia and grins. "Oh! I could make you something as thanks. Even if it's just doing your job. Something nice. Cause you keep getting stuck tending me and everything. I feel bad cause I know I'm a bad patient. And you're very good at your job. I guess you don't need me to tell you that."

A dry "Mhm," about her job, and Iesia turns back to Javeri's foot. An eyebrow is arched towards the candidate, a brief glance is given, and then Iesia is back to work. Numbweed is liberally slathered on the underside of Javeri's foot before Iesia gently wraps the cut with gauze and bandage. "The bandage is to keep it clean as you walk around. After a day or two, you won't need it. And while you sleep, keep it off so that air can reach the cut." A final wrap around, and Iesia is done and wiping her hands on a nearby towel. "And there is no need for that, I assure you," she says of a thank-you gift. "I wouldn't have any idea what to do with a bit of pottery and, I assure you," she says dryly again, "You are not the only patient I am treating. Your entire candidate class seems prone to injuries. As do the Weyrlings."

"Don't be silly!" Javeri says now that she's got the idea of a thank you gift in her head. She bobs her head up and down a few times. "Doesn't matter how many people you are treating. It's nice to get a thank you. I'm going to do it. You can't stop me, you know." She can't be stopped once she gets an idea in her head. "Ok, unwrap when I am sleeping. Like we get a lot of sleep!" She's not complaining though she's just cheerfully commenting on what she suffers. "I really don't know what I could have done to prevent this though. Well, I guess I could have worn sandals, but sandals in the water is just gross. Oh! Do you know how to swim?" She looks curiously at the healer for an answer.

Now that she's done with the Healer bit, Iesia is just /staring/ at Javeri as if she's gone crazy. Her arms cross, and she shakes her head stubbornly. "I do not require a thank-you gift, thank you. This is my job, as you so delightfully pointed out. It is my contribution to the Weyr," and if she's a bit sour when she says it, it must be coincidence. "Do not make me anything," and that's almost an order there. But just as quickly, the topic of conversation changes and Iesia just about stumbles. "What? Of course I can swim," she says defensively, chin lifting. "And no, I doubt there is anything you could have done, except to come and have it looked at sooner. But, there is no infection." No harm done, in other words.

Poor Iesia is in for an annoying surprise later then. "Oh, sure, no gift," Javeri says with a bright grin and something in her eyes that makes it plain she's lying through her teeth when she agrees. "Well, see? There's swimming lessons soon for the candidates. Some of them can't. It's so weird." The island girl has been able to swim as long as she could walk so sounds utterly confused by the whole thing. "I was thinking if no one's asked yet then it'd be good to have a healer there, you know? Especially one who can swim. So, you know, maybe you could talk to one of the coordinators about coming out to assist? You know, since we're always causing pain and suffering to ourselves and all."

A flat, level look is given to Javeri, and though Iesia looks ready to say something, she remains quiet on the subject of gifts. The candidate is heard out before Iesia says with some thought, "Not everyone has the luxury of growing up around water." Her lips purse and she appears thoughtful for a long, silent moment. "Alright," she tells Javeri finally. "I agree that having a Healer present is good idea. It would be a shame if one of you went and drowned yourself attempting to swim. Or Faranth forbid another sea-shell bite someone," and she's obviously joking, even if her face and voice remain neutral. A little upturn to the corner of her mouth, a small 'hm,' and Iesia says, "X'lar is one of your coordinators, isn't he? Perhaps I'll ask him."

"I'd rather be bit by a seashell than one of the other candidates!" Javeri says with a grin as she looks at her foot. Not that she can see the foot through the bandage, but still. She gently sets her foot on the ground and applies a little pressure to it. "Ow," she says because she is a baby. Then she doesn't think about it and stands up with most of her weight on her good foot. "X'lar is, yes, that's correct. It would be good to have a healer there and since so many of us know you already it'll be great!" Yes, great is exactly the word everyone involved wants to use.

"I should hope the other candidates do not bite," and Iesia peers at Javeri suspiciously. And then more so when that 'ow' is uttered. "I can get you a set of crutches," she notes off-handedly. "If it is too much trouble to walk on it." Nevermind Javeri seems to be doing fine now. Iesia just shrugs. "Did I not already agree having a Healer would be a good idea..." a lengthy sigh. "You don't know me, and I don't know you. Erm. Any of you. But if you would like me to be there... alright. I will do my best to be there to supervise and intervene if... well..." someone tries to die? "Something happens." A pause. "You talk too much."

"Yea, I get that a lot. I talk too much when I am nervous," Javeri admits with a shrug of her shoulders as she tries a step. A sunny smile gets turned on Iesia and she says, "We can get to know each other. It's not that hard. We could have lunch together or something if you want?" See? She's trying to make friends! Surely that will go over well! "It's great you're coming. It'll give us a chance to get to know one another! I know how to swim so I won't be overly busy when others are learning." They can bond!

The idea doesn't seem to cheer Iesia. If anything, the Healer looks even more sour at the prospect of getting to know Javeri. "Yes, well. I am terribly busy, as are you," ahem, candidate. "So I doubt there would be time for such things. But I will do my best to make it to the swimming.. thing." A flick of her hand. "Go on now. I've other patients to treat, and you can't expect to linger here for much longer without due cause. Keep your foot clean until the cut has healed more."

Javeri's quite happy to get out. A smile and a wave is given to the healer regardless and she says, "Even candidates get to eat! I'll look for you!" Then she limps on off.

~javeri, iesia

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