Improvised Chores

Nov 02, 2008 00:54

Who: Javeri and Sunniva
Where: The beach
When: Afternoon following this log.
What: Sunniva and Javeri go to the beach with some of the other candidates to do chores. Yep. Really. The merits of boys, chores, family, and schedules are discussed. Also Javeri learns Sunniva's shameful secret at the end!

After a sufficient amount of time to get changed and wrangle some other candidates, Sunniva makes her way to the beach with a bag filled with the supplies she was /supposed/ to use for chores, and another bag -- a net one -- for what she'll actually be using. Another eight or so candidates trickle in a while later, their arrivals staggered as they report for whatever chore is needed, then proceed to split away to pursue their 'alternate' chore. A few others are lucky to have this time off normally and they soon join the motley group of candidates. Inconspicuous? Not really. But, the other scattered denizens of the beach don't seem to notice (or care) in the slightest.

It took some finagling but Javeri managed to get a big basket loaded with snacks for the other candidates and herself. She also has a skin thrown over one shoulder filled with boring juice and nothing exciting at all. She whistles the whole way to the beach and as soon as they hit the sand off came her sandals. "This is the best day of chores ever," she declares with a bright grin. "I cannot imagine a better place to clean up." She found a couple of other candidates herself, but since she had to get snacks she had less time than Sunniva. It's hard to be charming.

Laughing, Sunniva sets her not-so-cool chores bag down and glances to a few of the more wary sorts before motioning onward. "Well, if you have custodial duties, pick up shells and things. The beach needs to be kept clean, too, you know. Or, perhaps the Sandbar could use help," and other such oh-so-helpful suggestions are given. As some candidates start to indulge themselves, the Holdbred lass finds her way to Javeri with a bright -- and, okay, slightly conspiratorial -- smile. "Oh, yes. This was a /brilliant/ idea, Javeri." A glance is given to the basket and the skin with a curious, "Oh! Oh, what did you manage to get? Was the cook generous?" These are important things to know, after all!

"I really hope I impress considering what I had to promise him," Javeri says with a wink to Sunniva. Then she laughs quietly and shakes her head. "Ok, not really. But he seems to think I like him since I let him do this. Which is no big deal. He'll find someone else soon enough." She sets the basket down and then the skin. "I got some juice. Not thrilling I know. But there was no cider and I didn't know about wine with the whole no getting drunk and stuff." She then nudges the basket with a bare toe. "I have breads, fruit, cookies, and some meatrolls just in case we need to appease an angry candidate wrangler who might wander by." She thinks of everything. The candidates who came with her have no problems enjoying themselves and they take off down the beach with no show of picking a thing up.

The candidate's initial wide-eyed reaction to Javeri's first words quickly dissolves into a fit of relieved giggles. "Oh! Oh /my/. But, oh, I am sure he will. Boys always seem to have a tendency for that." So sayeth she, the relatively clueless lass. Sunniva nods to the skin, understandingly, then crouches to pop open the basket and pick through the contents. "Oh! Oh, you did think of everything, didn't you?" she marvels, grinning up at Javeri. The basket is shut after she snags an orange fruit, splitting the rind with a nail and shucking it quickly. Her brows knit, thoughtfully, "Though, I do hope we do not get into /too/ much trouble for this."

From the basket Javeri grabs a loaf of bread and tears off a piece. The rest of it gets dropped back in as she settles onto the ground. "I try to plan ahead. It's part of my work. I used to have to figure out lots of stuff. Now it's just chores and chores and chores." She shakes her head and glances towards the other candidates who've spread out. "At least plenty of us will be in trouble, right? No suffering alone!" A bite of bread is taken before she says, "Not all boys do. I like the ones who move on, you know? Cause I am too young to get serious. That's why I prefer sailors. Not that, you know, I-, you know. I mean, I behave." She pauses and then adds with a wink, "Mostly."

When Javeri sits, Sunniva moves to do likewise, using her free hand to smooth her skirts under her. The bits of orange rind are dumped in her lap for the time being, her attention mostly being on the other young woman in between glances at the other candidates now milling about. "That is true, though I am just a bit concerned about the creativity of our coordinators." It's shiver-worthy, but not so terrifying that she'll be getting up to go /back/ to chores. "Mm. Well, the ones I knew, they seemed to move along rather quickly." Pause. "For the most part, I suppose. But, then, I have never really- I mean, my father tried to match me, but my other sisters were far easier to match." It's that last bit and the wink that elicits a faint blush from the young woman, who pointedly looks down at her orange and starts to nibble on it. No comment from the innocent one, then.

In the basket are a few cups that clearly they are going to have to share, but since Javeri and Sunniva are right there they get to have them first. She pours juice and offers one to the other candidate before taking a drink from hers. "I just don't mess with the ones who move to fast," she tells her with a wink. "A swift kick convinces most all of them to step back." Her foot kicks out at the sand. Grinning she has a bite of bread before asking, "Did you know any good really cute boys from before? There was this one sailor I was hanging out with, but not serious. He drinks too much and is a jerk when he does. But boy is he cute! Dad hates sailors too so it makes it all the more fun to walk with them."

The glass is gratefully taken with a murmured 'thank you', sipped from, and then settled securely in the sand beside her. Sunniva offers some of the orange she's meticulously pulled apart in return, her legs stretching out before her. "I never had that problem, with boys moving too fast," she replies, with an uncertainty that suggests she's no doubt wondering if that's normal. She finally shakes her head a little, answering the next easily enough, "I was betrothed to one, but he Impressed. Since then, I have met more than a few cute ones. One is here, in fact, and is a very dear friend of mine-" though that furrowing of her brow is a bit puzzled. Uncertain. She moves on. "But, they are all riders, so of course my sisters -- save Ella, I suppose -- would disapprove if anything came of it."

"Who cares what your sisters would approve of?" Javeri, the only child, asks with a curious lilt to her voice. A piece of the orange is taken with a nod of thanks. "It all depends on the type of boys. I'm surprised cause, you know, you're pretty pretty and all. I bet they just didn't know what to do." Wiggling her feet into the sand she looks at the shore. "I love it here. That's why I didn't apprentice. That and some gross old guy just wanted to get me away from my dad. It was totally eww. I sort of wish I had, you know? But, well, too late now. Maybe I will impress and it won't matter?" Not that she sounds very convinced that this is likely to happen. "It's more fun to go out with the ones people disapprove of," she says with a wide grin.

"There was a time when it was very important to me what they -- and my eldest brother -- thought." Her lips purse. "Now, I suppose it does not matter, especially since I intend to stay here after the Hatching, if I do not Impress." Sunniva leans forward, just enough to work her shoes off and to plant her bare feet in the sand experimentally. Wiggle-wiggle go her toes and she looks momentarily baffled by the sensation before relaxing into it. "To be fair," she finally says, slanting a look askance to Javeri, "I was to be married off to men much older than I was, at least if my father or brother had their way. The one that Impressed was searched well before he could try anything." Her head tilts a bit. "Well, perhaps. The chance always exists that you could Impress. Or you could not and still be able to apprentice, I imagine."

Javeri's grin widens and she finishes chewing on her piece of fruit. "Well, I have no siblings so I never had any to worry about. Just my dad and my granny, but granny always encouraged me to do whatever." Granny was a baaaad influence clearly. "You're staying? That's great. I don't know what I am going do." She wiggles her feet more into the sand as she takes a drink. "I'm too old to apprentice," she says with a shake of her head. "Besides I still think they might make me go off the island and I don't want to leave the island. This is my home and I love it here. No, I'll just be an un-crated potter forever. It's not a huge deal. And I could impress...Stranger things have happened. I never even thought I would be searched ever so who knows! But, ewww. Marriage to an old man? Ick. I am so glad I don't have to worry about that stuff. Dad would never force me to marry and so I won't have to until I want to. Probably a sailor so he'll be gone a lot."

"Oh, that must have been wonderful," Sunniva observes with a soft laugh. "And, yes, I am. P'draig and X'lar seem to think it is a good idea, so I am rather excited about it. This place is so- so /perfect/. I rather miss the people of the 'Reaches, but I would miss Ista much more." A nod to Javeri's words about not apprenticing and then a more emphatic one to the mention of search. "Oh! I /know/. It just seems surreal at times, doesn't it? The very possibility -- a possibility that you would never have given a second thought to any other time?" At least, that's how it is for her. To the last, she just shrugs. "I was accepting of the idea at the time; that /was/ what we girls were raised for, effectively. Now, I am not sure /what/ I want; that is why I have not really ..." and she trails off, unsure of how to articulate what she's getting at. Lamely, she reiterates from before: "I just know I want children someday."

"I don't know if I should stay here or go back to the hold if I don't," Javeri says with a sigh before she looks back out at the water. "I don't know if I fit in as well at the weyr as I do at home, you know? But maybe I haven't given it a chance. Besides who can tell when you're running chores day and night and all over again." Chores, the bane of every candidate. Except those on 'custodial duty' this afternoon. "I try not to think too much about it, you know? Like if I think too much about it then I'll jinx myself. But if I don't think about it then maybe that will keep it from happening." She stops and looks at Sunniva with a grin as she goes, "Argh! It's the not knowing what to do. You know?" Overhead a dragon wings by causing some of the candidates to duck like they might not be spotted that way.

"Well, the Hold is not /too/ far from the Weyr, so you could always visit." More orange is munched on, the rind bits finally being folded into a napkin procured from the basket and then set back inside said basket for later disposal. "But, yes, it is rather different to be somewhere when you are not being run ragged doing the most dreadful things the Weyr has to offer. I think it will be much nicer after all of this is done." And Sunniva tilts her head, regarding Javeri for a moment before nodding. Emphatically. "/Yes/. That is precisely it. You cannot think about what could happen because it might ruin things, but if you do not think about it, then that might be worse. Idraila said not to think about it too much and X'lar said not to over-think, either, but-" and this comes with an uncertain frown "-what is thinkng about it too much and what is not? What /should/ we think about and how much should we think about it?" The passing dragon overhead is glanced at, but she makes no effort to hide; it'd be too late, anyway.

The dragon overhead is clearly too far away for Javeri to worry about. Besides they're pretty tiny down on the ground. "Exactly! And how does telling us not to think about it make us stop? It's like when a healer tells you not to think about being hurt that's the spot you focus on. How ridiculous!" Shaking her head she looks at Sunniva and asks, "What about Idraila? Hasn't she stood, like, forever? How do you do that? I don't think I could at all. This one time is bad enough. Not to mention the horrid chores over and over and over! I wonder if you get used to it? I don't think so. And if we impress there's just more horrid chores waiting, but the dragon is supposed to make it worth it." This thought doesn't entirely sit well with her, but a drink of juice clears it away and she says, "Maybe we should just- I don't know. Think about it only during certain parts of the day! Then we're not over thinking like if we think about it during breakfast, but not lunch. And before bed, but not at dinner or during chores. A schedule! Schedules are very helpful."

And Sunniva agrees, nodding fervently. "Oh! Idraila has, yes. I- well, honestly, I do not think I would turn a dragon down if they searched me, even if that meant a lifetime of doing those chores. Because that ... that possibility, it is entirely too compelling to deny, even if it never comes to fruition." She leans back, palms on the ground to support her while she does so. "The dragon ... riders always say it is worth it. I do hope they are right. It seems like it would be, but it could all be a terrible ploy." But the idea of it all being a conspiracy theory is shrugged off and the idea of a 'thinking schedule' draws a slow rise of an eyebrow. "Do you really think that would work? Because then you would be thinking that you have to think something at that time, but not this other, but by then you are already thinking it ... oh, I do not know if there is anything we can do about it." Sigh.

"I am very good with schedules," Javeri says as she sits up straight. "I am quite sure I can think about certain things when I need to and not think when I don't and just- Well, it has to be better than thinking about it -all- the time!" Anything would be better than that. "I still don't know. I mean she lives here right? She can attend the hatchings. If a dragon was meant for her surely it would notice her in the stands? I hear they do that sometimes, right? Then you miss all the chores, but still benefit!" Clearly a stands impression would be the best of both worlds!" Looking out at the water she stands up and shakes sand off herself like a dog coming in from the water. "Come on! I'm going to go swimming and not waste the free time just sitting here." She stops suddenly and turns red under her tan. "Oh, I didn't mean talking to you was a waste! Or that I didn't like it cause it's nice, but- Um. I didn't mean that. Really!"

"Well, perhaps it might work well for you, then," Sunniva grins, shaking her head a little with amusement. "And, I suppose so? But if the dragons keep pointing her out, there must be a reason for it, surely." When Javeri stands, the other candidate is a bit slower to follow suit -- mostly because she then spends a bit of time dusting the sand off and checking herself over for detritus. "Oh! Oh, I- yes, I shall be right after. I need to get out of these; my swimsuit is under," oh, those laughably persistent Holder morals, "and I cannot actually /swim/, but I can stay in the shallows." And at the last, she laughs brightly and shakes her head, motioning for Javeri to go on. "I understand what you meant; do not worry in the slightest." And only after Javeri goes and she's had a chance to strip down to her suit will Sunniva go join her, to lurk in the shallows and chat at her fellow candidate while others cavort in the deeper waters -- for 'quality assurance purposes', clearly.

~javeri, sunniva

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