What is the Scratch? Whom do we ask?

Mar 13, 2011 14:52

For a few days, I've been trying to come up with a coherent Theory of the Scratch. Somehow, it didn't seem to come together. A chance contradiction led me to reread Aradia's thing from the end of Act 5.1, more carefully this time.

And I found something startling.

"FAA: the incipisphere l0cals have a m0re f0rmal term f0r them
FAA: they typically refer t0 such a rift as
FAA: a scratch"

Compare what Doc Scratch has to say on the subject:

"That is not the purpose of the Scratch at all. The Scratch does not open a rift in spacetime."

So. Whom to believe? Aradia is unlikely to be lying, as she's typing in a private memo, intended for her past and future and alternate selves to consult and review. As a sprite, she would likely have accurate information on in-game phenomena. On the other hand, Doc Scratch has said that he chooses never to lie, and that there are no falsehoods-for-the-sake-of-jokes in that part of his conversation. He and the narration have both said that he is essentially omniscient. While it's possible that he is lying, and lying about lying, I don't know of any reason why he would do so.

I'm stymied. Any of you guys have opinions?


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