I haven't posted in FOREVER, so here's an alphabet thingie from Lizzy...

Jan 29, 2008 17:24

The Letter A
Are you available? Um, no
What is your age? Almost 25
What annoys you? People who assume things, lol.

The Letter B
Do you live in a big house? not really
When is your birthday? March 7th
Who is your best friend? Feezle and Chris

The Letter C
What's your favorite candy? I like 'em all!! :) but this season Peanutbutter hearts/eggs and Cadbury Eggs are nice!
Who's your crush? Chris ;)
When was the last time you cried? A few weeks ago

The Letter D
Do you daydream? Of course
What's your favorite kind of dog? Mine
What day of the week is it? Tuesday

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? Over-easy or scrambled, depending on my mood.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? of course, lol.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? daydream

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? yep
Do you use fly swatters? sure why not
Have you ever used a foghorn? I don't think so

The Letter G
Do you chew gum? Yep when the mood strikes
Are you a giver or a taker? Giver... but not in the perverted way, thank you.
Do you like gummy candies? Course!

The Letter H
How are you? Eh, okay. Kinda overwhelmed.
What color is your hair? blonde of course

The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream? Strawberry
Have you ever ice skated? 'course, it's fun
Do you play an instrument? Guitar kinda

The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean brand? The good kind
Do you wear jewelry? not alot

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill? I can't really say. lol.
Do you want kids? possibly
Where did you go for kindergarten? Wiley

The Letter L
Are you laid back? Usually
Do you lie? not usually

The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie? I like alot of them and I don't feel like making a list. lol.
Do you still watch Disney movies? not usually
Do you like mangos? I can't, I'm allergic

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname? Sunshine, Blondie, etc.
What is your real name? Amy Lynn
Whats your favorite number? 7, 13
Do you prefer night over day? Not usually

The Letter O
What's your one wish? My dream
Are you an only child? Nope

The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about? my love leaving me
What are your pet peeves? liars, evasiveness... and no they are not the same thing
What's a personality trait you look for in people? easygoing-ness, fun, nice, etc.

The Letter Q
What's your favorite quote? um, I can't think of one
Are you quick to judge people? sometimes

The Letter R
Do you think you're always right? I am
Are you one to cry? Not usually

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain? sun
Do you like snow? not usually
What's your favorite season? SUMMER

The Letter T
What time is it? 5:38
What time did you wake up? 8:30am
When was the last time you slept in a tent? A loooooooong time ago

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear? oh yeah
Underwear or boxers? undies thanks

The Letter V
What's the worst veggie? hmm, sprouts
Where do you want to go on vacation? Hawaii

The Letter W
What's your worst habit? I get crazy sometimes, assuming the worst
Where do you live? Shelby Twp
What's your worst fear? Losing what I most hold dear/ not being able to save people/things

The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray? many
Have you seen the x-games? not really I don't think
Do you own a xylophone? as a tot

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? IT'S MY FAVORITE COLOR!!
What's one thing you yearn for? Means and ability to support myself

The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign? Pisces
Do you believe in the zodiac? Ish
Favorite zoo animal? dunno
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