Feb 20, 2007 10:45
YOU (goofy questions that are unessential)
Name: Amy
Age: 23
Age that people usually assume you are: 18 and occasionally under that... :p
Embarassing name your parents call you: Don't really have one... at least none I can remember.
Location(don't answer that if you're afraid of stalkers!): Utica, MI
Where you wish you were located: Somewhere where I can ride outside all year round and not freeze my ass off
College (where you go now,where you want to go, or where you wanted to go but maybe didn't): I'm at OU now but have also been at NMU and MCC.
Your college's mascot: Grizzlies. Woo. I have no school spirit thanx very much.
If I could build a robot, he would look like this: It would be able to go to school and do my homework for me. Sweet.
If you were a member of the opposite sex, your mom would have named you: Dave Jr.
If you were any name brand you would be: Umm, something classic like Levis or something
Your favorite scent to wear is: Something light... but mostly I wear "Eau de Horse" lol.
Favorite exotic cuisine: Not really into exotic-exotic food... do Italian, some-Chinese, and Mexican count?
Hidden (possibly weird) talent you have that we wouldn't guess you had by looking at you: Apparently my "angry look" is especially cutting... especially when I don't mean it to be... :p
You have a secret fetish for: Umm sleeping? lol.
Band/song that you like but would never admit to liking: I like old school 80's rock sometimes
One super dorky fact about you: I love reading! But not that stupid shit they make you read at school... only books I want to read.
Favorite childhood toy: Barbies and our Grand Champions!
The best kind of mascara is (a question we've all been debating): RARELY wear makeup
Who do you think is the classiest actress in Hollywood?: I dunno... don't really follow Hollywood
Horrible name that you've actually wanted to name one of your future children(you don't have to want to name them that anymore): Rayne
If you could be on any lame MTV show, which one would it be?: NONE! Kill them all!
Sex In the City character that you most identify with: That is the stupidest show ever. Sorry!
If you were underwear... what would you look like?: probably comfy bikini-briefs... not a fan of thongs.
If you were a gansta, what would your "g" name be?: Dunno... interesting thought though.
**HORSES** (I guess just delete this part if it doesn't apply to you)
Name of the very first horse you ever rode: Hmm, that's a thinker... not counting in the pony rides as a kid... I think the mare at the place-that-will-not-be-named. Her name was "Indiana" First horse I REALLY rode I think was Pepper.
Name of your first trainer (just first is fine): Rex (blech) but that really doesn't count... so Carla!
If you could buy any tacky polo wraps you wanted, what would they look like?: Bright yellow and blue possibly
The discipline you've always wanted to try but never had the guts/time/funds to do: After a few "Cowgirl Nights" with Cash, I think we could do Western pretty proficiently.
Favorite show/registered name you've ever heard: I've always liked "Ruffian" especially since she was a girl!
Favorite time of day to ride: Summer mornings or evenings
If you could take one lesson from any trainer in the WORLD who would you take it from?: Probably Debbie MacDonald cuz she's done so well with Brentina
Outfit that makes you feel the most awesome/professional horseriderish when you go to ride: My awesome dressage show stuff... long sleeved white shirt, stock tie, my Pikeur jacket, polished tall boots, spurs and my fuzzy handled dressage whip.
Your absolute FAVORITE color of horse (you can only choose one): I've always been partial to grays!
How do you see yourself involved in the horseworld in 10 years?: I want to be a well-known instructor/trainer.