Sep 25, 2005 01:42
First of all, I just wanna say that this dial-up connection sucks real bad, it fucks my computer up.
So yeah I came home this weekend....and I'm home right now actually. It's so weird that this isn't my life anymore. The football game was just one thing to do, not THE thing to do. Corydon isn't my main focus every day, I have lots of other things to think about. It's definitely a change.
I got a random phone call from Kyle...I haven't talked to him since like the first week I moved in at BU. I tried to call him a couple times but all I got was his voicemail and no return-call so I figured he didn't wanna talk to me anymore, even tho me, him, jessi, and josh would always say that we'd always be friends and we wouldn't let college come between us. But yeah he called and it made me so happy...i just miss how life used to be. Not that I don't love my life right now, cuz i do, but it's just not the same.
This random call made me realize that I miss writing all the important events of my day in my diary. I felt like if something important happened, at least I'd remember even if no one else would. Without the diary, I feel like no one, even me, remembers anything. I may have to start writing one at college, but I'd have to make it even more d/l since you know...I kind of live w/ someone now.
Speaking of living w/ someone, me and sara rose (the roomie) had our first fight the other day. Her boyfriend allllwwaaayyyysss stays the night (during the week...hello i go to bed at 10:30 every night-pathetic, i know, but it makes me feel so much better) and all Ican hear when i'm asleep is them kissing and it a) makes me wish i had someone to sleep in my bed w/ me and b) it makes me mad b/c i just wanna sleep!!! So I told her about it and she was cool w/ it, but then he made her mad so she had to YELL at him over the phone while I was trying to read for one of my classes...yeah, I dramatically slammed the door and took my pity party to the lobby. But I think I just can't stand living w/ anyone, they'll eventually get on my nerves one way or the other, no matter if we had been friends before or not. I'm just weird like that.
Please tell me why I bought the same lip gloss that i had ummm...5 months ago???? Fuck. I need to get it together. I just feel so unloved...not that I'm not loved, but I mean, I just want guy friends/guys to flirt with that won't think i'm trying to get with them.
Gosh this is a long ass entry....i just feel like getting my feelings out tonight, so don't count on it happening again for a while cuz i can just never express myself how I want to. I'm done...I need to start updating this more or restart my handwritten diary cuz this makes me feel so much better. Good night.