Aug 02, 2004 15:41
Man i havn't posted in this journal in FOREVER. Well i had two REALLY interesting dreams the other night, i would say 3 but one just has to do with a big yellow car, my attraction to edword furlong, and like someone making me do their chores for them. Oh yea and in one part of that dream i was having breakfast with seth and we were like running away from like people that were after us. Hahaha so anyway, onto the dreams i do remember.
(Just a little something to know before i tell you the dream, i woke up early in the morning cuz my parents were fighting in the next room, and i put my pillows over my ears and went back to sleep)
The first dream was set in like a market place in china. I was there with my mom and suddenly there was a gun shot. Someone had shot my mom. She fell to the ground dead and all these people surrounded us. I ran to get help and i'm not sure how i figured it out, but apperently my dad was the one that shot her. I ran up to this like towerish thing, kinda like the thing in the middle of the village, where you go up the stairs and you can look in that like telescopy thing. So anyways i ran up one of those and was crying cuz my mother died, and i knew i was gonna spend like the rest of my life with just my dad. (I was like 10 years old) For some reason, it didn't process to me that he'd go to jail for manslaughter, but thats besides the point. I was crying and crying and crying and this lady came up to me, she was like part of the secret service or something and was there to protect me, as we looked for police. We ran through the market and into this building. In one of the rooms, we saw my mom sitting on the floor talking to someone. I ran up to her and gave her a hug and wouldn't let go, trying to explain things to her, but she didn't seem to care, and kept talking to the person she was talking to. Then i woke up.
When i woke up I ran to my mom and told her the dream and she laughed at first (and i got mad at her cuz i just had a nightmare about my mom dying and she thought it was funny) and then she got mad cuz the reason i was crying was cuz i was gonnna be stuck with my dad, not that she died. I totally believe dreams are like your subconcious trying to express itself. So its soooo obvious what this dream meant, cuz so much shit is going on in my family this summer.
I had this one last night. I was in the parking lot at Town Center, taking my license test. There was a long line of people waiting to drive around this parking lot with this guy, and get their licenses. Somehow as i walked into Town Center, I entered a different mall. I was there with a friend, i cant tell who it was, but i feel like it was Pauline. Well we were there and we met up with these to guys. One looked like a mix between that Hunter guy that Po and I saw, and some other really attractive guy. They asked us what we were up to, and we said that we were just gonna hang around cuz we had to go back to the parking lot at around 7 to get our licenses or something. They insisted that they hung out with us.So we walked into a store that ended up being like a room. The four of us sat in it and i think the guys were doing something on a computer and Pauline and I were writing things on our cell phones to each other. I typed something to her that said something like "I really like ______(fill in name of guy from the dream there)" I dont rememher his name. I didn't say it out loud to her cuz he was right there. So she closed the text and put the phone on the table. I remember seeing him pick up the phone later and scan through stuff, but i didn't stop him. I pretended that I didn't see him do it. You could tell he read what I wrote her, and he started up a conversation with me. Somehow it got to me saying "you read the thing in her phone didn't you" and he said no. And i was like "then what were you looking at?" he made something up. I asked him if he felt the same way as the persons text that he just read. Knowing that he read mine (And i know he did cuz it was my dream and i know everything hahah) He said, no. Even in my dream i felt heartbroken. We both knew i was asking if he liked me back. So um yea that part kinda sucked, then randomly i walked out of the store and we were like in his backyard and there was one of those rope and wood bridges. And pauline and i was in the center. The guy was trying to shoot us with like a riffle. The wood from beneath us broke and fell but we moved out of the way before, slowly each panel we breaking away. Then I woke up.
I have a really strange feeling this dream was just telling me about my love life lately. Pretty much, I like a guy right now, he knows I like him, but I think i'm just too worried that he doesn't like me. Even though he makes an effort to talk to me and doesn't seem to have a problem with the fact that i like him I'm always thinkings he's just doing it to be nice or something. As for the guy i like in my dream, trying to shoot me down.......I have no clue where that came from i've been going through so much dissapointment lately, maybe it derived from that, but i really have no clue. What a weird dream.