"A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing."

May 12, 2005 12:01

Today is the onset of the Art's festival.
Jessica, Benni and Co. claimed Kurt and some other AP art students were REALLY impressed by my photography. Now, considering Kurt is basically a pretentious bastard, I was incredibly flattered.
Apparently he was like, "Whoah...I didn't know she had any interest in that. You don't normally see that type of skill level in a high school."
When Mrs. V saw me she commented right away about my work/talent and how people had been very interested.
That's fucking awesome.
I don't know how to respond to compliments.
Gahhh...I was soo happy after I heard.

Im still self concious about how certain people are going to respond.

Originally, as I was setting everything up I was kind of put off by my location. It still pisses me off, but Jessica said people are attracted to that area because of my display.

God, I hope it continues to go over well.
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