This is my running sales post, it functions as a masterlist of all my sales and feedback. :D
If you buy something please leave feedback.
If the test has been struck through the item has been sold.
Egl_feedback page: Remember all prices include domestic shipping!
Homemade Stable Logo jsk
I originally made this for a friend for a shoot but she doesn’t want to do it any more. It is made for someone a bit bigger than me which is why it is so loose on my mannequin. It is also made to accommodate a fluffier petticoat than I own. It is unlined and made out of printed cotton. The zipper can be a bit fussy but works.
Max measurements: 32" bust, 29-30" waist
front close up: back: $50
Offbrand white dress
It is very small and won’t fit more than a very light petti.
front close-up: back: $15
Homemade Victorian Iceskaters Skirt
One of my favorite Christmas skirts, it too is unlined but really nice, doesn’t fit a really poofy petti though and I think the fur trim I used may be real. Max waist of 28" but sewn on waist ties get it down to 26" comfortably.
back: closures: $30