Mar 12, 2006 08:36
Everything has been going great for me. Right now, though, I'm having a trivial moment with a physical problem.
I had a toothache yestarday. What I think happens is that when my wisdom teeth attempt to make their way into my mouth more, they push and shift all of the other teeth. So yestarday I went through that initial pain early in the day. Then it went away. I was even able to smell for a good 20 minutes yestarday, something I havent been able to do that long in about 4-5 months.
So after the aching went away from my toothe trying to grow in, the soreness comes.... This has happened before. My gums get inflamed and The whole thing gets sore. It feels like someone punched me in the left side of my mouth super hard.
Hows this, too. I went to sleep at like 12 last night. I woke up ever 30 minutes to an hour to use the bathroom and drink more water because I was dehydrated, and the pain from my mouth hurt so much. Even though its not even 9am yet, and i just wanted a good staight 2 hours before this family reunion thing I'm going to today, I'm actually happy to be up.
This is Gods way of reminding me of how good it is when you DONT have any problems, and I thank God for his thoroughness, i guess. Two days ago, my mouth was fine. Now it feels like two people had a fist fight on the left side of my face, and I cant wait until this goes back to normal. It hurts when I swallow anything, so its hard for me to eat and drink. And it doesnt looks inflamed from the outside or anything.
Well, my dentist appointment is at the end of this month. By this time, I'm so sick of these antics with the cavities and toothe aches in my mouth I don't even have a fear of the dentist anymore.
But other than that, everything has been peachy. Playing DDR and ITG alot (for some reason). I found out that my mp3 player functions as a flash memory stick. So I got a good idea; I'll finish what Roxor should have. I'm going to make various edits of songs, ESPECIALLY summer. The steps will be exactly the same. Only difference is i'll SYNCH them. [Shana-pose]. Basically, i'll cut the steps, and repaste all of them a 16th/32nd/64th note earlier throughout the whole song. I got a decent score on summer the other day. If that shit was synch, I would have easily gotten a 98-99 on it.
Then theres supernova. El Em Ay Oh at all of these ITG people bitching at FaXX. I just DL'd the DWI yestarday and it's not even comparable to V^2. If people think that that is hard then I don't know what to say about that. It's just becaus they cant step on the pad and get an easy 97+ or 2 greats on it. You actually have to LEARN something new, and that upsets most of this community. And what else was it? Oh yea. "Konami is only giving us 1 new ten footer blah blah blah". There are at least three new ones that we know of now, plus whatever else is in the final that we won't know about (see PSMO and LOM @ extreme's release for an example of this). But these people can't even take one new ten footer, with all of the bitching I read about Faxx. Imagine how it will be for two more.
The more I chill with people around a DDR machine, or even an ITG machine for that matter, the more the last big DDR post I made comes true. This last summer is going to be a tornado, like havoc or something. Just like 2004 and some of 2005 was. As long as we focus on what WE like to do to have fun, then thats all that matters.
Oh and school and ceejay and friends and stuff. Everything else is right.