You're My Little Pony!! Sweet and innocent and
happy, you make people want to spew burrito
chunks. Even a Care Bear could kick your ass.
What childhood toy from the 80s are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Name four bad habits you have:
1.) bitching
2.) not speaking up
3.) destroying water bottles
4.) saying really random things
Name four things that you wish you had:
1.) a moog
2.) strawberry thing from star bucks
3.) rivers cuomo's phone number
4.) my very own adam brody
Name four scents you love:
1.) vics vapor rub
2.) the way the pirates of the carribean ride smells
3.) cotton candy
4.) carress lotion. the blue one.
Name four things you'd never wear:
1.) a wife beater and dickies
2.) those valour(sp?) sweatpants/jacket combo things
3.) "kiss me i'm emo" shirt
4.) .......
Name four things you are thinking about right now:
1.) what time it is
2.) if i want water or not
3.) i have alot of kleenex boxes
4.) what to put here
Name four things that you have done today:
1.) slept
2.) took a shower
3.) ate a donut
4.) saw a buddy from school
Name the last four things you have bought:
1.) admission to my friends show
2.) peaches album
3.) water
4.) a quizno's slub
Name four people you would like to spend more time with:
1.) i
2.) dont
3.) really
4.) know
Name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
1.) no doubt
2.) journey
3.) pedro the lion
4.) ben folds
Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1.) water
2.) coffee
3.) juice
4.) diet coke
Name the last four people you have kissed/been kissed by:
Name four FAVORITE physical attributes of yourself:
1.) hair
2.) eyes
3.) lips
4.) feet
Name four things you do when you're extremely bored:
1.) online
2.) draw
3.) tv
4.) read
Name four things you can cook well:
1.) hot pockets
2.) tv dinners
3.) biscuits
Name four foods you crave most often:
1.) frenchfries
2.) cookies
3.) salads
4.) pancakes
Name four objects in your room:
1.) bass
2.) computer
3.) wind machine
4.) waterbottles
Name four physical attributes you're known for:
1.) hair
2.) weight
3.) height
4.) nose
Name four things that make you proud of yourself:
1.) i actualy try in school
2.) i work hard
3.) being a good person
4.) .........................
Name four guilty pleasures:
1.) strokes related crap
2.) livejournal
3.) the oc
4.) the n
Name four things you're wearing:
1.) multi colored tanktop
2.) pj pants
3.) ...
4.) ..
Name four things you've saved for a long time:
1.) worksheets
2.) magazines
3.) not dating people
4.) ticket stubs
Name four people you regret losing touch with:
1.) my good friends from middle school
2.) random
3.) people
4.) .......................
Name four celebrities you would do:
1.) julian casablancas
2.) jack white
3.) adam brody
4.) nikolai fraiture