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Aug 25, 2006 13:44

a big F U to guidance. screw them for making me pick and choice the classes i signed up for. screw them for waiting so long to fix stuff so now i have all my s.s. work to do.
A- Jazz band/ Jazz choir
B- Study/ Ignite
C- French  H
D- English  H
E- Physics  H
F- Pre-calc  H
G- US History  AP
independent band????? what is that?? that makes me want to cry or beat something up. it kills me. its my favorite class. specially after the dreamer sleepover, which was incredibuly fun( a million waters, two bags of swedish fish, doritos,cookies., gossip), i was like wow i love these people and what am i going to do not seeing them??? my relax go-to period is gone. I guess you could argue jazz band. but i am petrified for it. scared shitless. i can't play 2nd trombone. i can't learn the music so quickly. i'm nervous as hell. i have all my summer work to do with a week and a half left of summer. i haven't even gotten jeans yet. kaitlins leaving the 2nd. that is too terrible and weird to think about without breaking down. she's always been in the room across the hall from me and i always go in there, sit on her bed while she's getting ready or whenever, and talk and spill my guts to her.  what do i do now without that outlet? yes friends are the most popular answer but a sister is something else and something far more special and i dont even know.  and to continue whining i miss kevin like heck. he's only been gone for ROTC since sunday but i know even when thats done i have nooo idea when the next time i'll get to see him is and its incredibuly hard and i do not support it at all, its driving me crazy and the fact i know i can't do anything about it and its not going to change and that i just have to get over it issn't working yet.  and all the seniors that are leaving. i can't stand that. soo many good friends and amazing people that just leave. its not fair. and i have to end my lazy summer. i have to get back to eating normally again and doing SOMETHING. i miss kickboxing. alot. i just need to clear my work scehdule for it and such. and i dont even want to think about classes next year or SATs and stuff but i'm danielle andthats what i do. i am a perfectionist and i worry and stress and plan ahead. and i miss hanging out with my rowley group. omg i needed that rant/vent. 
i guess to focus on good things, i love my piano song, i LOVE BASS, omg it makes me so happy, nto to mention i fell in love, aboslutley in love with one at guitar center, when i spent the day with chadd which was fun^n cuz he's basically one of the coolest people i know! oh yea and at guitar center no employee would look me in the eye or acknowledge my presnece- while chadd got talked to, asked his name, and two hand shakes hahaha. oh yes and i loveee fall and its gorgeous today. and i stole a pair of jeans from the blackhole that is katie's room. and its RRRRRRRRICHHHH BBBBBBB's bday today and he's my amazing godfather haha and its raining and i like rain. and i get to hang out with sarah soon for beach hopefully. and band camp is so much better than expected and i love being a dreamer. oh yea and i have a cellphone now. *gasp* okay so i think i'm done with this uber long entry.
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