lying face down on the floor

May 22, 2005 15:58

so yes hello again journal. this might be a longer entry then recently so beware.
ok so i do not remember what happened this week in school so there is nothing worth typing about there. Friday got home and was BORED. i got to the point of wanting to run into a wall numerous times for amusement (my boredom did not get that far though, dont worry). plans were shaky but eventually went over to michelle's house w/ taryn. we had a good ol time :D yes we did. after, me and michelle ate practicully an entire ben and jerry's thing of "half baked" icecream haha we did save taryn like a spoonful cuz we're good kids. yes sleep followed and we woke up to a HOSTAGE NOTE:O !!no jk it was just a note from taryn cuz she had to leave before we got up lol. went home and made another jumble of plans.

showered quickly, cleaned rooms, did thank you notes, then decided to go see the middle school musical w/ kaitlin and it was pretty good (hard to hear though). at intermission chris shared the "erik and garage door" sotry with amy so now people who dont even go to triton know haha.

came home, got picked up to go see star warsIII w/ nic, max, and fun. we so got pictures with the storm troupers cuz we are neato like that. went to movie and got seats in the first two rows and the movie was awesome. (i was impressed). it was exciting, and sad, and there was actually one funny part haha and the best part was our seats reclined so i could use nic's seat (in front of me) as a foot rest haha. ran around ac moore (got threatened to be like kicked out), arcades, then went to nic's house to watch part of sideways.
now i'm home, supposed to be doing hw (and not), and thinking...
well that was VERY detailed but typing it cheered me up. as for the rest of it.

have you ever gotten the feeling like just when everything feels like its going to be ok then BAM you realize oh ya nvm stop lying to yourself? or something happens and you crack? ya well thats the story of my day today and alot of parts of my life. its not even that my day is bad or anything its just that i'll be fine, read/hear something, and i feel like shit or i'll overthink it (which i do ALOT).maybe i'm over sensitive... like i start doubting myself or feel like my "territory" is being invaded...and this probably does not make any sense to you unless well you're inside my head but i'm typing this for me and not who ever is reading this (this IS NOT a pity entry).i guess i have a tendency to babble but oh well. maybe i get jealous too easily or doubt myself too much but w/e. i've been trying this whole being detached thing and i guess its harder then it sounds...just want the feeling that i'm cared about because of me..and this is starting to sound really lame.ya ok i'm done now. i can not organize my thoughts.
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