Sep 10, 2006 12:31
I'm in college now. WooHoo? Not really. Don't get me wrong I like being in college. I really even like u of m flint. It's just not that exciting. I didn't move out on my own, maybe that's why. I love that my professors aren't on my back every 5 seconds about turning in homework, and that I have a lot more freedom. Some may disagree but in a way it's less stressfull because there aren't "authority" figures breathing down your neck constantly, waiting for you to screw up.
Things have been a little lonely for me lately. It amazes me how fast you can become unimportant to someone. It makes me wonder how i'm supposed to differentiate between real friends and those who are there until something better comes along. Never before have I felt so much like a space filler. I'm not saying I have no friends, that's not true at all. I don't think that no one cares about me, and i'm not being emo. It's just how I feel...lonely. Thankfully I still have that really great guy to keep me company. :) It's not that I don't love hanging out with Brad and Jon. I do love it, it's when i'm most comfortable. But sometimes I miss girl time. If only greenville and cedarville weren't so freaking far away.
I'm sure my friendships that have gone downhill lately are my fault. I know there's one friendship imparticular that I wish could go back to the way it was. But things happened that I can't control. Words were said that can't be taken back. Just like my communications professor says, "Once you say something, it can never ever be reversed. it was said, and someone captured a feeling from it that you can't erase." Not only that, i'm not willing to rat other people out, even though i've been told it's what I should do. But sometimes lifes not fair.
I'm done rambling now. Sorry for those who read this thinking it would get better