Drunk and Fucked Up

May 01, 2005 20:41

This weekend was healing. I slept in saturday cause of the no mow, and was suposed to mow sunday but it was raining then too. My Grandfather from Flordia came up, that was really cool to see him, and suprising because he stayed here for more than one minute. He and Fix-It Grandpy talked and it was fun listining to them. Mer and Carrie came over, that was quite the time. Mer was like i was bored, so i baked brownies, and they were damn good brownies. WE just sat in my room and listiend to music and then played some frisbee. I played them my favorite song and i think thye liked it. love love love that song. I just think its cool that now i'll have some people to chill with like right by my house, its real chill.
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