Sep 26, 2004 09:04
soooo heres what we did lol after the game we all just chilled and what not then we went and had lunch after that we chilled at laurens then all came back to kateys to get dressed and what not and we ordered pizza for dinner so we go and we ate then we were just playin the dirty minds game for a hot one and we decided to hit up the game show lol gooood idea lol for starters we get there and were the first people so were bein all loud and shyt then people startrollin in.. well u got this remote thing and it had a singers name on it nd the guy was like 'okay everyone got their remote say your name' and while every1 else says the name on the remote katey goes "KATEYY" yeah so all night he was like okay katey lol i think i almost pissed myself.. lol anyways so the first round goes by and then there was 4 finalist and kyle made it and then he won woo woo kyle lol so the second round comes along and barb joey tom kim and trish all are back ((so sad bout his car))anywho so me and katey are doin a little better this time but we still didnt make it to the finals yet lucky for us there was a wild card based on who took the craziest picture and considering mine and katey picture we had that shit in the bag lol so we get up there abnd we get up to this dumbass question: whats barbies last name?? im not sayin the answer just if u think u know comment.. point is we didnt win but then erin and tom both got up there as wildcards yet were all losers so whatever haha it was def fun tho.. then we just went back to laurens dorm and played a lil asshole and now im uin kateys room and i touched her roomies computer to get the time and now massive people are iming her ((sorry kim!!!)) okay well im out.. oooh yeah and kim had a great call last night "if u dnt like me u can lick my cooch and eat a christmas tree" lol good call lesbian good call lol jk hunni! comment me*
<3brittany claire
ooh yeah and umm definitly tryed callin kev a few times last night but did he answer or call back? hmm nope so thats cool cause i wont see him till after christmas break and i do NOT want to hear him bitch i didnt say bye.. he better fuckin call today before i leave or i will not be a happy camper.. but seriously all summer thats all he talked abot was whn u commin up when we chillin blah blah then i come up leave my fuckin friends who im stayin with to chill with him and he cant even answer a phone? whatever dude.. im not gonna think about it because i dont wanna get sad right now.. iight peace..