Sep 19, 2004 18:09
so i havent updated in 4 fuckin ever i guess ill start at friday
friday~ i worked till 10 but forgot to bring my house key to work so fukin got upset and faught with sarah timm she finally agreed to leave it in her friends doorway. so at 10 cush gotme and we got the key then there ws nuthin to do so i went in. but i was on my way to wawa and i seen scott lol i love that kid lol we were talkin for quite some time then i made it to wawa.
saterday~ i worked 11-5 then i got a shower and me and tom were thinkin of sumpin to do and we ended up deciding to go to the peircing studio lol normal people r like hmm nothing to do lets c a movie nope not my friends we get bored and we make sure we do something exciting lol so we were ther till like 1045ish then we went to the store and got babr virthday cards and then i came home and went to bed because...
sunday~ i had to be in work at 11 ((again)) till 5 then i came home and did nothing yet but its only 615 so who knows what can happen.. oh yah and each day at work i was pretty much doin 1hour which is cool but like boring when theres no film..
and now im gonna go eat.. comment me*