Jan 20, 2011 00:47
[ Earlier in the day, Makoto is out shopping for food, looking a little more stressed than normal. Later that night, however, she's in the underside, watching Alex kill shadows-- and, when they're weak or come close enough, killing a few herself. She looks pretty uncomfortable, though.
Sometime around mid-afternoon, Cecilia had apparently braved an adventure out to the mall by herself-- but now she seems to be a little freaked out by all the people and her attempt in going up the escalator seems to be giving her a heart attack. Help?
And earlier in the morning, a trip to a quiet park might bring about a strange sight... Masami seems to have a few stalkers-- namely, four fuzzy little lost ducks. When he walks, they follow; when he stops, they crowd around his feet, peeping their little heads off. He looks horribly confused and uncertain of what to do, but he does attempt to get them onto his coat after he removes it so they're not on the cold ground. What are they doing here in the middle of winter anyway...? ]