Feb 11, 2009 20:07
[If you're around Port Island on this fine afternoon, you may notice two boys bugging a hobot who seems to be busy reading some sort of sacred text]
... is that real?
Supposedly. I believe Bros all around the world have a copy of this-- or so that's what is written.
It sounds stupid anyway, why would you follow a code like that to score with the girls? All you need is a pretty face. Like mine!
Is that so? How surprising.
No it... actually takes more than that. Girls are complicated, don't listen to him.
Come on, Yuu! Girls are always all over me, all you need is being hot, you should know it! Not like it matters anymore for you. Sigh... Anyway, I want to know what's written on it, read something... Vajra, was it?
Understood. Article 64: A Bro must provide his Bro with a ticket to an event if said event involves the latter Bro's favorite sports team in a playoff scenario. ... I see.
((ooc: The dice wanted me to make a post with all three of them. So, Vajra has the Bro code, and Yuu and Keita are bugging him. All three will be tagging!))