So my cervix is still closed and posterior, but it feels like it's about 30-40% effaced (thinning out). So nothing really to do but wait and see :)
We discussed procedures we want to happen with the baby and agreed on the following things with the doctor:
--if it's a boy, it won't be circumcized
--it will NOT get a hepatitis shot before we leave the hospital
--it will get the antibiotics in the eyes, but the doc says it's something better than the traditional erythromycin and won't irritate the eyes
--it will get the vitamin K shot, just for the rare chance that the baby could have internal head bleeding
--the doctor will decide on delaying the cord cutting or not depending on how the baby is doing
I need to write up a birth plan so that we can communicate these things, along with some others, to the OB ward at the hospital. The doctor has them written down for his convenience, but the nurses really need to know, too.
Guess Baby Poush's stats!