(no subject)

Jul 16, 2006 23:11

Men See You As Desirable

Men often find you immediately attractive and sensual
You're honesty is refreshingly beautiful ... it draws guys in
You are also able to be open with your feelings with no emotional baggage
Packing light means you enjoy new relationships easily
How Do Men See You?

Break Up? Are You Kidding?

You're relationship is top notch, period!
Why are you even taking this quiz? :-)
Maybe you know you've got a good thing going
Or maybe you're a little shaky from a fight
Either way, stick with this guy!
Should You Break Up With Him?

Men See You As: Not a Challenge

When you're in love, you lay it all out on the line
And while men do appreciate your honesty...
Do you ever wonder if you're being a little too available?
Pull back a little! He'll be wanting you even more.
Are You a Challenge?

Your Life is Like

What John Cusack Movie Are You?

You Are 59% Bitchy

Generally, you're an average woman, with average moods. But sometimes... well, watch out!
Sometimes, you let your mean side get the better of you. And you enjoy every minute of it.
How Bitchy Are You?

Your Hat Personality Is A

What Hat Are You?

Your Makeup Look Is

Dramatic Eyes with Naked Lips
You rock an edgy, modern look with feminine grace
What's Your Signature Makeup Look?

Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is

After dinner at your favorite restaurant, at the spot where you first kissed.
What's Your Ideal Marriage Proposal?

You Are a Fun Girl!

You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good time
Sure, you've thrown back more than a few every so often
But getting totally stupid and wasted is not your style
You're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling
Are You a Party Girl?

You Are Downtown

You're a funky spirit that requires freedom to live.
Your city girl persona needs adventure, diversity, and great pizza.
Are You Uptown or Downtown?
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