Dec 12, 2004 22:07
bits and pieces of my convo with steph earlier:
Woodchuck749: and they announced that the fire fighter died today with the 645 tone test
Woodchuck749: tommy was telling me this morning that peter called him to tell him the chaplain went over to see him yesterday cause they didnt think he would make it thru the night
Woodchuck749: so peter told tommy to get engine 5 ready
Woodchuck749: anyways thats my story for today
Woodchuck749: how are you doing
Woodchuck749: DUDE
Woodchuck749: i got the HUGEST zit on my face
Gutterflower9402: lol
Gutterflower9402: im sorry, that was just random
Woodchuck749: i mean
Woodchuck749: painful
Woodchuck749: and ugly
Gutterflower9402: yeah
Gutterflower9402: i hate those
Woodchuck749: i feel like a 13 year old