Well, this is awkward...

Nov 05, 2009 20:49

So, it has come to my attention that three of the people following this journal appear to be friending me simply because I had my location set to Armenia... This is awkward, because not only do I have no idea where Armenia is, but quite clearly my profile and everything appears to be in American-English... I cannot understand a thing on their profiles, which are written in... Armenian? Some kind of symbols I haven't seen before.

I am a deceitful liar, watch me lure strangers in from a fictitious homeland **puts out candy**


In other news, NaNo is going well so far; I am at 6,500 words right now, and planning to forge ahead tonight with some more. newbie_gk and I are going to do a mini-challenge in addition, where we give each other a prompt, and we have 36 hours (because she's still in school) to come up with 3,600 words on that prompt. Hah, I think I have this one in the bag! When I win, she gets to write me a crack!fic of my choiceand I for her if I lose, which we all know I am not going to. A tie results in us both writing a crack!fic for the other, soooo... wins all around? XD

Anyway, I may end up posting some early finished fractions up here ahead of time, if anyone's interested. Some TtF may appear, if anyone wants :) It would be raw and unedited, soo... yeah.


Edit: It's 2:30 AM, and I have passed 8,000 words--yay me!

Here we go, a wordcounter gidget:

10237 / 50000 words. 20% done!

update, nano

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