Jan 08, 2008 19:30


* Plane Trip
* Time to see the Capitol
* Time to drink in front of my family
* Trip to White Water
* "Triple play" **wink wink** Amber!
* Trip to Europe
* Real Job
* Degree before 23!
* Functional digital camera
* Camp out at Circuit City for this Lap Top
* 5 month span with no kisses or affection since I was 16
* Time moving back into my mom's place
* Feeling completely anti social
* Crush on a 42 year old man (completely innocent, i swear)
* Time to work over 40 hours, held down 2 jobs (Pottery Barn and Operon)
* Feeling that I partially control where I want to live in the future
* International experience (szeretlek magyar)
* Time to see Willie Nelson
* Meeting one of my "people" Kari Byron!
* and last bikini wax, ouch!!!


Tim Returns after a hiatus
Feeling less than adequate because of the male sex (jeremy)
Cruise to the bahamas


Breaking up with the longest relationship since high school, still feeling the aftershock

Telling my beloved Aunt Jewel and Paw Paw Buddy goodbye

Haven't seen my grandfather in a year now

Haven't talked to my dad since July (before my trip)

Mom really is sick, I am still denying it

Letting Barry go, no lingering friendship or "what ifs" left from something I learned so much and lost so much

Watching a friend lose a parent and feeling terrified

Lost 15 pounds this year, I actually held the lose weight thing from New Years 07

Letting go of the life I had lived for 2 years, and by that I mean not determining someones worth by their music preference, style of clothing, or philosophies

I lost a lot of "friends" this year. I guess you consider them friends. I haven't really heard from anyone since I moved but I don't feel great despair.

REALLY having my feelings hurt at a close friend (Ash)

Realizing that distance doesn't break up some relationships, Missy

Finally seeing a good movie for 07- Juno!

2008 Wishes

To feel free, really free... to possess the ability to say whatever I want to say and not have to hide or answer to anything/anyone

I am my own person, me. . . flaws and imperfections and I need to understand that and accept it

Figure out what path I am going to chose as far as love, education, and career goes

Go to the Beach, not a cruise, just a beach and lay there for hours. Read until my eyes fall out and laugh the night away.

Get back on track with reading. Sadly the last book I read was Dracula and I finished that in October. Working 60 hours a week really turns a life into a strict routine. Sleep, work, eat, repeat.

I need to stop being such a negative nancy, people like positive polly not negative nancy.

Visit a big city, Chicago, San Fran, New York... if only for a weekend.

Have the ability to help the fam out some financially

P.S. This presidential race is making me nervous. Obama rubs me the wrong way, Edwards doesn't have a chance... I am fairly okay with Clinton and would chose McCain out of the Republicans. Am I going to stay up to see the results... probably (i need the sleep though)
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