yay for cool asians!!!!!!
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/maiyahi.php <-- you need to go here it is awesome!!!! Malice Mizer rules!! ok so i have been sick this entire week and then some and it really blows!!!!!! i dont feel good and it makes em sad. oh yea and i have to clean up after the stupid valentines dace tomorrow night! i know it is going to be a blast! wow this really blows! oh well i am watching Family Guy until i get better! i love that show so much!!! no one is home and i am bored and i cnat go out becuase i am still sick! wow sooooooo bored!!!!!!! oh man i have to write my english and make up all the homework i missed! did i mention how much my weekend is going to be fun! yayayay oh yea and then i have to go look for a prom dress because stupid prom commitee people get to take pictures and whatever it is i dont know i wasnt listen i didnt feel good! but anyway now i have to go find a prom dress and i get to go with my mom who is going to try to convince me to ask someone that already graduated, she already knows who she wants me to marry, which is relly annoying and it makes me want to shot everyone that i see!!!! yea so have a nice three day weekend!