From Twitter 04-27-2011

Apr 28, 2011 03:07

  • 03:58:01: @ indestructigirl Oooh look! A firefly! Heh.
  • 03:59:21: @ indestructigirl I like them a lot, too. They're cool bugs.
  • 04:10:05: @ indestructigirl Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen them here!
  • 04:15:45: @ indestructigirl I only got to see them when my family went to our lake house upstate. I used to pretend they were mini superheroes.*snorts*
  • 04:31:37: @ mrnatepetrelli Nooooo. *flops on you, pulling you away from your bags. Yes, I'm acting like a child, sue me*
  • 04:43:10: @ mrnatepetrelli *FLOPS MORE*
  • 04:49:37: @ mrnatepetrelli I don't miss our bed. *pouts, sitting on your bag so you can't pack* I don't want to go. Screw Jason and your work.
  • 04:57:35: @ mrnatepetrelli *pouts harder* That's not true. We have enough money to last us a -really- long time. We could probably get a house -
  • 04:58:17: @ mrnatepetrelli tomorrow if we really wanted to. *knows this is ridiculous because we're leaving anyway, I just feel like being difficult*
  • 05:02:34: @ mrnatepetrelli They're gonna fire me anyway, Nathan. *frowns, looking down* And we can get therapy here.
  • 05:24:06: @ mrnatepetrelli *crosses arms, settling more comfortably in your bag*
  • 05:27:56: @ mrnatepetrelli *gives you a defiant look* Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try.
  • 05:35:27: @ mrnatepetrelli Ahh! *can't help but laugh and start to squirm around so you can't get me inside*
  • 05:46:56: @ mrnatepetrelli You can't stuff me under the plane! *laughs, making a mess of whatever was already packed in your bag* *squeaks when Sock -
  • 05:47:19: @ mrnatepetrelli jumps on my face*
  • 05:59:50: @ mrnatepetrelli Ahh!!! Ahh!! I'm gonna suffocate! *squirms around harder at the pokes and I'm pretty sure I just heard a tearing sound!*
  • 06:04:48: @ mrnatepetrelli *freezes, eyes going wide* Uh... I dunno! *takes Sock and puts him aside for safety* I think it was the bag! That's what -
  • 06:05:19: @ mrnatepetrelli happens when you try to stuff your brother into a bag and put him in the baggage compartment! It's karma!
  • 06:10:09: @ mrnatepetrelli All I did was sit in it. You did the rest. Yup. *nods, still half stuck in the bag!*
  • 06:13:39: @ mrnatepetrelli *flails* I can't, I'm stuck!
  • 06:18:38: @ mrnatepetrelli *laughs, holding on to you* I dunno, I think it was on the right side. We can always duct tape it.
  • 06:29:32: @ mrnatepetrelli Your.... bag cost more than an engagement ring? *high eyebrows, questioning your life choices*
  • 06:34:55: @ mrnatepetrelli .... They're just -bags-, Nathan. You throw them in the cargo hold of planes. They don't need to be expensive. That's silly.
  • 06:41:34: @ mrnatepetrelli *rolls eyes* Whatever, Nathan. I just think that money could be put to better use. A bag that costs more than an engagement-
  • 06:41:52: @ mrnatepetrelli ring is so entirely unnecessary. *kicks the bag gently*
  • 06:43:22: Day two: Nine things about yourself
  • 06:45:38: @ mrnatepetrelli HEY, you were the STUFFING me in the oh so expensive bag! You should have taken better care of it! *laughs*
  • 06:49:19: @ mrnatepetrelli *sighs heavily, head drooping down* Okay, okay. *sulky mode activates as I shuffle off to get my bag*
  • 06:51:56: @ mrnatepetrelli Wooo hoo. *sarcastic* *grabs clothes and dumps them on the floor, sitting down and starting to fold them up*
  • 17:16:22: Day two: Nine things about yourself
  • 17:25:34: @ mrnatepetrelli I do like ice cream, but you can't bribe me with it. *pouty pout face, stuffing clothes in my bag*
  • 17:26:41: This is where I went for vacation. It was the best vacation EVER.
  • 18:00:06: @ mrnatepetrelli You can't bribe me with anything, Nathan Petrelli. Except saying we can stay a little longer. *puppy dog eyes*
  • 18:10:38: @ mrnatepetrelli *looks down, nodding*
  • 19:06:50: @ mrnatepetrelli *glances up at you* Okay. That would be cool. Our very own place. In Jersey?
  • 19:33:10: @ mrnatepetrelli Yeah... I think I do. It'll be better for us there, right?
  • 19:34:37: @ MrSkyBoy *snorts* Probably because you wanted -me- to do the whole thing. Not getting off the hook this time, Nathan. I'm teaching us -
  • 19:35:12: @ MrSkyBoy how to make ravioli. Home made. Us, because I've never done it before either. Hopefully it'll be okay.
  • 19:36:03: @ mrnatepetrelli *nods* Yeah, that's what I want. Can we get a place by the water?
  • 19:41:23: @ mrnatepetrelli I want you to be happy too, Nathan. *small smile, packing a little easier now*
  • 19:45:47: @ mrnatepetrelli *gets up, going over to you and gives you a hug* I'm sorry. I know I'm being a brat. I'm just scared to go back.
  • 19:47:34: @ MrSkyBoy When it comes to cooking? *quirks an eyebrow* We wont give ourselves food poisoning, don't worry. It's just cheese, so we don't -
  • 19:48:08: @ MrSkyBoy have to worry about the meat not cooking properly. *takes out what we need from the fridge, setting it along the counter* First -
  • 19:48:17: @ MrSkyBoy you have to wash your hands. *smirks*
  • 19:52:53: @ mrnatepetrelli I know, but...the way things were before we left. I don't want that again. I just want to be me, the way you always knew me.
  • 19:55:08: @ MrSkyBoy Are you saying I'm more experienced? I never thought I'd see the day. *chuckles* I'm hoping two heads are better than one in -
  • 19:55:22: @ MrSkyBoy this case, and between the two of us we wont ruin anything.
  • 20:02:05: @ mrnatepetrelli *tries to believe that so much* Okay. Things will be good. We can just... pretend that we're still here or something.
  • 20:03:10: @ MrSkyBoy Yeah, of course I have a recipe. I'm not -that- good. *grins, unfolding the paper and handing it to you* So first we have to mix -
  • 20:03:41: @ MrSkyBoy together the ingredients for the filling... *reads off the list, moving that stuff closer*
  • 20:04:37: @ mrnatepetrelli Well we still have to go back there till we can find our own place.
  • 20:21:45: @ mrnatepetrelli We'll start looking as soon as we get back? *leans in and kisses*
  • 20:43:14: @ mrnatepetrelli You mean like... right now?
  • 20:44:13: @ MrSkyBoy You sure? It's hard work. *teases, setting out some bowls as well*
  • 20:50:48: @ mrnatepetrelli *grins big* Cool, yeah. That would be awesome. *goes back to packing, doing it a little faster than last time*
  • 20:56:07: @ MrSkyBoy *watches you, arms crossed* Well there you go, I knew you could do it. *makes a face, then sets out the dough part of the ravioli*
  • 20:58:00: @ mrnatepetrelli *finished up, then goes to pack Sock's stuff up too as Sock jumps around me, barking* See, he doesn't wanna go either.
  • 21:01:02: @ mrnatepetrelli *picks Sock up, trying to calm him down* It's okay, Sock. We're gonna move into another house that'll be way better than -
  • 21:01:20: @ mrnatepetrelli any other place. *looks up at you* I think he's okay with that part.
  • 21:06:31: @ MrSkyBoy You don't cook, ever. But you know exactly what to do already. You're always so good at -everything-.
  • 21:20:12: @ MrSkyBoy Yeah, yeah. It just wouldn't have been nice to see you scratch your head and wonder for once. *nudges* It's all good.
  • 21:24:44: @ mrnatepetrelli Me? *small smile* Yeah, I'm okay with it. It'll be our place. Just ours. I like that.
  • 21:30:21: @ mrnatepetrelli I'm sorry that... I can't be more like you with that. I wanna be ok with wherever we go, as long as I'm with you, but -
  • 21:30:32: @ mrnatepetrelli it's really hard. I feel selfish about it.
  • 21:31:22: @ MrSkyBoy *chuckles, nodding* Yeah, I guess I figured we'd just start easy. *adds some more cheese into your mixture*
  • 21:42:51: @ MrSkyBoy Tomato sauce.... I just got the ready made kind. *looks sheepish* Unless you wanna make it from scra… (cont)
  • 21:58:06: @ MrSkyBoy Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. The bottled stuff isn't so bad, Nathan. *gets it out of the fridge and opens it up, dipping -
  • 21:58:15: @ MrSkyBoy a finger in and holding it out for you to taste*
  • 22:00:51: @ mrnatepetrelli *leans against you, smiling* Yeah, we will be. You -are- the most important, though. You know that, right?
  • 22:07:40: @ mrnatepetrelli I need to remind you more often, don't I.
  • 22:09:56: @ MrSkyBoy *smiles* Good enough for me. *watches you for a moment, then goes back to adding ingredients*
  • 22:10:11: ((BBL!))

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