Tweets for Today

Jul 11, 2011 03:02

  • 05:30 @ Forgottenathan Sure, no problem. That coffee is on the table for you too. You really love coffee. *heads off to the kitchen to look around* #
  • 05:41 @ Forgottenathan *he manages to find enough things for a decent sandwich, working on that while he talks* Uh... I like my job. I like comics- #
  • 05:42 @ Forgottenathan and movies, mostly that are based on the comics. *ducks his head a bit at that* #
  • 06:02 @ Forgottenathan *chuckles lightly* Yeah, that's what you always used to call them. Just for kids. Superman is my favorite. Maybe you do - #
  • 06:03 @ Forgottenathan remember a couple things here and there. #
  • 06:13 @ Forgottenathan Well yeah, I collect them. I have.... man, I have a whole lot of them. But it's mostly cause I like reading them. #
  • 06:28 @ Forgottenathan Yeah, I'll read an occasional book here and there. *finishes up the sandwiches, bringing them over* Here you go. #
  • 06:41 @ Forgottenathan *sits own next to yo, nibbling on his sandwich* Yeah, we did. Well, for the most part. You went away a lot later on. #
  • 13:58 Today sucks. #
  • 13:59 @ Forgottenathan Yeah, you had college, the Navy, law school. You're a busy guy. *small smile* #
  • 14:02 @ mrnatepetrelli *DDD:* Why are you here? #
  • 14:12 @ mrnatepetrelli Not anymore. I told you, we're over. #
  • 14:12 @ MayaHerrera01 I've had better days. #
  • 14:14 @ mrnatepetrelli *rolls his eyes, looking away* What do you want? #
  • 14:16 @ mrnatepetrelli Oh, I think you said plenty last night. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about supporting anyone but yourself now, - #
  • 14:17 @ mrnatepetrelli so why don't you just leave me to my fantastic time in the nuthouse? #
  • 14:20 @ mrnatepetrelli Well, you say an awful lot of hurtful things and then expect me to just let it go. I'm tired of it. You always do this. #
  • 14:39 @ mrnatepetrelli No, I can't! You hurt me and you keep hurting me! You have to face what you do, Nathan! I'm in here, trying to figure - #
  • 14:40 @ mrnatepetrelli things out and instead of talking to me like an adult, you flip out and say hurtful things! I can't do it! #
  • 14:44 @ mrnatepetrelli *yanks his arm away* Yeah and I calmed down! I was trying to talk to you. Maybe you should go to therapy then too. #
  • 14:59 @ mrnatepetrelli Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that. Don't even acknowledge anything real, or the fact that you keep lashing out at- #
  • 14:59 @ mrnatepetrelli me. Obviously you're angry and resentful or you wouldn't say things like that. You're not fine. We're not fine. #
  • 15:09 @ mrnatepetrelli No. Yesterday you told me not to. You can't just... come in here and fuck everything around because you're panicking. You- #
  • 15:10 @ mrnatepetrelli wouldn't say things like what you say to me if you weren't angry or resentful. This isn't the first time. It's every time. #
  • 15:16 @ mrnatepetrelli *furrows his eyebrows, taking a step away* No! Stop it, Nathan. I'm not going anywhere with you! My therapist is trying to - #
  • 15:17 @ mrnatepetrelli help me! They're trying to help me here. What exactly are you doing? Because it's not helping, that's for sure. #
  • 15:21 @ mrnatepetrelli Yeah, because ordering me to leave is really the best way to show that you're not any of those things. #
  • 15:33 @ mrnatepetrelli Nathan, stop! You can't just tell me what to do. So you're gonna drag me home, and then what, huh? Then what?! This isn't- #
  • 15:34 @ mrnatepetrelli good! What we have here right now isn't good, but you don't want to work on it. You just want to shove everything into a - #
  • 15:34 @ mrnatepetrelli little box in your head and pretend it's okay, but it's not! #
  • 15:44 @ mrnatepetrelli Defend yourself. That's the problem right there. Instead of trying to talk and work things out, you're sitting there - #
  • 15:44 @ mrnatepetrelli defending yourself! Maybe if you'd come visit me more, we -could- talk about it. But you're so damn busy. I'm not the one- #
  • 15:45 @ mrnatepetrelli hiding, Nathan. You are. And you misspeak exactly like that every time we have anything more than a simple conversation, so- #
  • 15:46 @ mrnatepetrelli maybe you have to take a step back and look at yourself and why you say shit like that to me. This isn't healthy! I'm - #
  • 15:46 @ mrnatepetrelli trying to get better and none of this is helping! #
  • 16:24 @ mrnatepetrelli So you attack me, because I say something to you? I'm -trying- to work on things here, to fix things! You're acting like - #
  • 16:24 @ mrnatepetrelli an asshole when you -know- I have issues to deal with! If you feel the need to be this way with me, then maybe you need to- #
  • 16:25 @ mrnatepetrelli go work on your own issues! You're acting so immature, it's unbelievable! I never say the hurtful things to you that you - #
  • 16:26 @ mrnatepetrelli say to me! Not even close! Until you realize what you're doing... yeah, I don't want to speak to you. #
  • 16:40 @ mrnatepetrelli *sighs, sitting down and shaking his head* No, Nathan. I don't want you to grovel. I want you to think about this and try - #
  • 16:40 @ mrnatepetrelli to work on it, to fix it. I really don't think that's so much to ask and honestly, the fact that you still think about it - #
  • 16:41 @ mrnatepetrelli in the way that you do is preventing us from ever being able to fix it. I'm telling you it's over because you refuse to try- #
  • 16:42 @ mrnatepetrelli and work things out. You're hurtful, you're quick to get angry and it's not good for either of us. You just want to drag me- #
  • 16:42 @ mrnatepetrelli out of here and stick me back in an unhealthy environment. You can't smooth this over with an I'm sorry and kisses. It - #
  • 16:43 @ mrnatepetrelli takes more than that and I'm not talking about getting down on your hands and knees. #
  • 16:55 @ mrnatepetrelli That's the problem, Nathan. You're still stuck back there. I'm trying to move forward. And you know what? I think you - #
  • 16:55 @ mrnatepetrelli resent me every day for everything you sacrificed. Because this isn't the first time you've said that, and I'm sure it - #
  • 16:56 @ mrnatepetrelli wont be the last. You made a decision. Just because you did that, doesn't mean I have to be forced to be with you because - #
  • 16:57 @ mrnatepetrelli you sacrificed oh so much. Accept what you did and stop guilting me with it when something goes wrong. #
  • 17:05 @ mrnatepetrelli *just stops, looking down. He realizes that most of this is because you really need help too, but you'd never do it and - #
  • 17:06 @ mrnatepetrelli you need him so desperately that he's stuck, because he doesn't want to hurt you, so he can't do what he really needs to - #
  • 17:07 @ mrnatepetrelli do* Fine, Nathan. We'll do what you want. *quietly, getting up* Come on, let's go. #
  • 17:17 @ mrnatepetrelli Okay. Um... I probably have to talk to them too. I need to get prescriptions and all that. I'll just meet you in the front. #
  • 17:32 @ mrnatepetrelli *goes to pack up his stuff, knowing this is a huge mistake, but his need to make you feel better wins out as always. He - #
  • 17:33 @ mrnatepetrelli goes to talk to the doctors who are highly against him leaving, but he says he has to and refrains from looking over at you- #
  • 17:34 @ mrnatepetrelli because he needs them to think this is his decision. He gets all his prescriptions and tells them he wont be needing a - #
  • 17:35 @ mrnatepetrelli referral for therapy either, then heads to the front to meet up with you* Hey. Ready. #
  • 17:52 @ mrnatepetrelli *tries to avoid the looks as you head out, sticking his hands in pockets. He feels like crying, but he swallows it down,- #
  • 17:53 @ mrnatepetrelli letting you hug and kiss him, whatever you wanna do* Can we just take a cab? I'm kinda tired. Just wanna sit. #
  • 17:59 @ mrnatepetrelli *sits down, kicking at the dirt with his shoes. At least it's nice to be outside again. He'll just concentrate on that* #
  • 18:12 @ mrnatepetrelli *looks up at you and nods* Okay. *sits back, playing with the hem of his shirt* Buy anything else new? #
  • 18:17 @ mrnatepetrelli *nods again* I have to stop at the pharmacy on our way back. *he doesn't even want to call it home. He feels weird about - #
  • 18:17 @ mrnatepetrelli going back right now. He doesn't want to at all* #
  • 18:20 @ mrnatepetrelli *stays quiet, then stands grabbing his things as a cab approaches* I think that's the one you called. #
  • 18:24 @ mrnatepetrelli *gets in, holding his stuff on his lap and slides to the window, looking out. He takes a deep breath, then glances over at- #
  • 18:24 @ mrnatepetrelli you and tries not to press himself so far away, moving more toward the middle again* #
  • 19:00 @ mrnatepetrelli *he honestly wonders how much of that is true, and how much of it is just... you, needing to keep him with you* Yeah, I - #
  • 19:00 @ mrnatepetrelli do too. *leans against you a bit, but wraps his arms tighter around his things* #
  • 20:21 @ mrnatepetrelli I'm glad you're happy. I like when you're happy. #
  • 20:26 @ mrnatepetrelli *tenses up a bit, not sure if he should lie or not, but he doesn't know what else to do* It's um... it's just gonna take - #
  • 20:26 @ mrnatepetrelli me some time to get used to being back out here again. #
  • 20:37 @ mrnatepetrelli Yeah. That's what it is. *he can't believe that you're just... acting like everything is perfectly ok after everything he - #
  • 20:39 @ mrnatepetrelli just talked to you about and everything that just happened. It's like you're a robot and he doesn't know what to do* It - #
  • 20:39 @ mrnatepetrelli was good, though. Helpful. #
  • 20:44 @ mrnatepetrelli *ugh he can't even think about eating now, he's so upset* Whatever you want, Nathan. I'm not all that hungry. #
  • 20:51 @ mrnatepetrelli *rubs his forehead, moving away a little* I just... my meds. They make my stomach weird sometimes. Get what you want and - #
  • 20:51 @ mrnatepetrelli I'm sure I'll nibble at it here and there. It's not a big deal. #
  • 21:04 @ mrnatepetrelli Cool. You can head home then and I'll go to pick up my stuff. Just have the cab drop me off on the corner once we're there. #
  • 21:05 @ mrnatepetrelli Yeah, Nathan. I can walk. #
  • 21:10 @ mrnatepetrelli Then we can watch a movie or something, ok? *because he'd rather do that than have to try and talk, or act like this is ok* #
  • 21:11 @ mrnatepetrelli Whatever you want. You can pick. #
  • 21:27 @ mrnatepetrelli Sure, it can be. You don't really want to watch that, though. Seriously, just pick the one you wanna watch. #
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