Tweets for Today

Jul 08, 2011 02:50

  • 18:55 @ Forgottenathan Hey, Nathan. #
  • 19:11 @ Forgottenathan How are you? It's been a little while. #
  • 19:14 @ Forgottenathan *pauses, raising his eyebrows* ... What? That's not funny, Nathan. #
  • 19:19 @ Forgottenathan *looks worried, coming over quickly to check on you* An accident? What kind of accident? What happened? #
  • 19:23 ((brb!)) #
  • 19:53 @ Forgottenathan So what did the doctors tell you. Were you ok enough to leave or did you check out AMA? *puts his hand on your arm* You - #
  • 19:54 @ Forgottenathan came here because I'm your brother. You don't... remember that? #
  • 19:59 ((ok i'm back! rejoice! X)) #
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