character app for heroesvzombies

May 25, 2012 12:19

The basics
1. Name please! Peter Petrelli
2. Age 28 (if based on actual canon time frame)
3. What power(s) does she/he have? 'Normals' may answer this question as N/A and move onto the next section Ability replication

3a. Give us your understanding of how his/her power works Peter can touch another special and take on their power without harming or removing it from the other person. He can control it now and is able to touch specials without gaining the ability, unless he wants to. (every once in a while the power will transfer when he doesn't mean to, but for the most part it's under control)

3b. How does your character use his/her power? (i.e. to do good deeds, for selfish reasons, barely at at all, etc.)
He always uses his ability for good deeds, to try and help as many people as he can. He's pretty obsessed with it for the most part, but has been trying to balance that out now.

The past
4. What's your understanding of the character's canon past? If your character is too minor to have one, write N/A and proceed to question #4
Peter started out a very wide eyed, somewhat naive person who wanted to save the world and do more than what he was doing. Through the years and his experiences, he's become a lot more jaded, but that sole purpose of needing to help and heal is still a big part of him. He's dealing with Nathan's death, which changes a lot of things for him, but in a way, takes him back to how he felt before everything happened, wanting to just focus on what he originally set out to do, which was to save the world. Through the years, he's learned to step out Nathan's shadow and become a strong, independent person. As with most Petrellis, sometimes he starts going about his actions in a reckless way, but he seems to pull it together in the end.

5. No character's background is fully explored. Building on the canon base (if applicable) give us some additional insight into how your see your character
Peter is the kind of person who acts first, thinks later. It often helps at the time, but spirals into possible problems along the way. He always tries to fix those problems, though. He's not as naive as he once was, but he never looses that innate sense of kindness and empathy for others. He has learned to deal with, and maybe even compartmentalize his issues a lot more, which help him function on a day to day basis, but also keep a lot of things shoved deep inside, which i think could come to the surface when he's pushed. He can be a jealous person, even manipulative at times, but never to the point of harming anyone.

The present
6. What was your character doing/what did they do when the apocalypse began?
He was working, on route to some accident, then reports starting coming in about what was going on.

7. How did your character get to the house?

I'm picking up from the last Peter, who got to the house by going with Angela and Nathan, since the bed and breakfast was Petrelli owned. But obviously I would change that, since Nathan now came in later and Angela is not really there. So lets say he just went there, knowing that it was a safe place, away from town, and tried to get as many specials there as possible.

The future
8. Beyond the obvious short term goal of 'survive' what are your character's plans for when things come to an end. If you play a zombie, will he/she look forward to death once more or will they have hoped to him save found some kind of curse?

I think Peter just basically wants to bring together as many unaffected people as possible at first, but then as time goes on, he really just wants to help the group he's already got at the house stay together and safe. He knows that they're the only hope of humanities survival and doesn't want to lose ~their humanity~. I think he'd try to get better at interpersonal relations. Not that he wasn't good at it before, but it was always very much in the sense of WE MUST UNITE TOGETHER TO SAVE THE WORLD. And less about just settling down and making real human connections.

The write stuff
9. In character, give us 2-3 paragraphs on any topic that tickles your fancy. Again, the sample should be written in third-person past tense.

Hearing Hesam go into work mode helped Peter considerably. He was able to go about his job like he always did. He checked on some people, calmed some others, instructing them along the way. When they finished this floor, they moves to the next, repeating their instructions. Everyone was scared, but listened when they were told to go back inside.

"Everyone stay inside and stay together." He kept repeating, making his way through each group of people, "Fill up whatever bottles, containers, anything you have that can hold water." Who knows if that would be next.

One floor at a time, they made it down to the bottom. Peter rejoined Hesam at his side then, taking a deep breath, "So far so good, right?" He didn't want to look out the door. He took Hesam's hand, giving it a squeeze, "Just stay with me. If... if we get separated, meet at Kirby Plaza. You know where that is, right? It's not too far from here. It's where we're all supposed to meet." But he wouldn't get separated from Hesam. He couldn't let that happen.

About the player
10. Name please! Csilla
11. Character journal all_heart_peter
12. Instant messenger? spacem0nkey42
13. Any RP twitter accounts? (Reminder: The game is strict LJ-based, but do also play together on twitter) @all_heart
14. What's the best way to reach you with questions? through my personal twitter @darkelegance
15. Last, but not least: If your pup was going to seek solace in the arms of another in these trying times, what kind of partner would they seek? (het/slash/femme-slash/not interested, etc.) Slash. but whatever works for the character at the time.

character app, hvz

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