Claying moments of memories
swirling in fogs of misreality
Has it all come down to this
a moment in time where all else fails
and the world takes more then it gives back
Taken all I ever had
stolen and never returned
The happiness is a myth
a secret and a lie for the masses
Why can't you leave it be
let it live and breathe alone
-written @ 3:50pm AEST
Isn't it funny how random things can pop into your head at the most inopurtune times? I guess maybe I'm sick of everything being taken away without any replacement. You see, I had an email sent to me from a reader at another website in response to a fanfic I wrote.
I'm a sci-fi fan, and there isn't anything wrong with that. But when I chose to post in a fic I wrote for Stargate Atlantis, I was given a very frank view on what I wrote. Now, don't get me wrong, I love constructive criticism, it's how we get better at writing. But this? It was just weird.
you call this a fic? this is nothing more then rubbish disguised as a poor man's treasure! stuff like this shouldn't even be put out for the public to view. i mean, look at your characters, 'Guardians'? please, how cliche is it? oh, but they're so old and wonderful and all that bullshit. come on, i could write better using the crap that you came up with. why bother to write if it's not origional in any context?
It goes on for awhile like that. What I don't get is the fact that the reader thinks that 'fanfics' are origional fiction meshed with what has already been used. Okay, so I guess it is kinda like that. But my idea was origional, I didn't steal it from anyone, and I didn't claim anything was mine that wasn't.
Constructive Criticism is like a god send for real writer's, we cherish it as if it was the most valuable thing we could ever own. But criticism without any point? What's the point of even bothering to comment, if you have nothing nice to say?
In retaliation to this, I've decided that I'm going to post all my fics on here, whether I feel weird about it or not. I hope LJ readers know the meaning of 'constructive criticism'.