Title:Happily Never After
Pairings: Haehyuk
Part: 1/1
Rating: R
Genre: Angst,Romance, Psychological AU
Summary: We had grown up watching and reading. fairy tales.We were raised to believe in happy ever afters.But as we grow older, we come face to face with these villains. And along the way we meet our prince and princesses. We fall into this magical world of love, we take steps, we travel on roads with golden pavements. We fight our own dragons, defeat all the wicked witch. But at one point in your life. You would end up asking. Does fairy tales really exist?Or are they just fabricated lies made to make this make believe world as perfect as it can be. When in reality, we should get used at the fact that Humans are meant to suffer.Happily Never After. . . .
A/N : This is my deepest darkest self telling you a story. Any similarity to any other story is purely incidental. The charters are not mine. They own themselves. Only the plot and all the typographical and grammatical errors are. :)
The Tragic Ending of a Fairy Tale