2 Nightwing/Arsenal drabbles for 50_darkfics

Jun 21, 2006 12:11

These are my first two challenge fics for this community. I hope everyone likes them.

Fandom: DC Comics/ Teen Titans cartoon
Prompt: 21 Brutal
Word Count:124
Author's Notes: Set more in the Teen Titans cartoon than the actual comic'verse

Roy knows the nights that Robin is obsessing about Slade. They are the nights when the dark-haired youth will come to his room at some ungodly hour of the morning and there are bruises on Roy's wrists when he leaves. Tears perk at the red-head's eyes as he starts the shower and stares at the darkening hand prints on his wrists. Thankfully his fingerless gloves cover the bruises or he would have to explain how they got there. He doesn't want to explain that his boyfriend, who he loves by the way, hurts him when he can't hurt the man who haunts him. Roy would never tell anyone the truth because it only hurts on the nights that Robin obsesses about Slade.

Fandom: DC Comics
Prompt:87 Phoenix
Word Count:185
Author's Notes:Set 1 year after Battle of Metropolis

So was the way with teen sidekicks, one moved on, or died and another rose from the ashes. It had been that way for most of them, Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Wondergirl. There had been the originals and then there had been the copies and while the copies were never bad they never quite lived up the reputation of the originals.

Cassie was no Donna, Bart was no Wally, Mia was nothing like Roy had been, and while Tim tried, just like Stephanie and Jason tried none of them could lay a finger to Dick. Dick was the original Robin, the original leader of the Teen Titans, the original mini-bat. He had been everything Roy loved, everything he had hated and now he was gone.

The Crisis had taken him from Roy and now one year after Dick's death Roy had given up the mantel he had claimed for himself. It might rise again. They usually did because when it got technical teen sidekicks never really died, they are just reborn in a new form that was never quite as good as the original.

cartoon: teen titans, fan fic, comics, slash

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