2 DC Porn Battle Fics

Mar 31, 2016 12:00

Title: Any Day
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing/Characters: Dick Grayson/Stephanie Brown
Summary: They get hit with sex pollen and things could get awkward from there. For now, things get pretty hot.
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Written for the Porn Battle prompt “Dick Grayson/Stephanie Brown, sex pollen”.
Word Count: ~ 1800
On AO3 | On LJ

Title: Banish Evil
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing/Characters: John Constantine/Zatanna Zatara
Summary: They banish a demon with some sex magic...
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Written for the Pron Battle prompt “John Constantine/Zatanna Zatara, magic”.
Word Count: ~ 800
On AO3 | On LJ

rating: nc-17, fan fic, family: none, family: bats, het, comics

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