One Flash comics fic, two Flash TV fics.

May 15, 2015 23:14

Title: drunk and disorderly
Wordcount: 388
Characters: Barry Allen, Lisa Snart
Summary: Barry catches a police dispatch about a drunk Captain Cold, but once he gets there he finds out the man isn't alone.

Title: afterglow (also on AO3)
Wordcount: 100
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Oliver Queen/Barry Allen
Summary: training turns into something else

Title: accidental fire
Wordcount: 241
Pairing: Mick Rory/Ronnie Raymond
Summary: Ronnie is just glad they got additional fire insurance.
Notes: A little vague, but it's meant to be a mundane AU. Also, established relationship.

pre-coie, family: flash, fan fic, rating: pg-13, comics, slash

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