Fic: Rainbow's Freedom (Justice Arc) (57-61/61) (COMPLETE!!!) ;)

Mar 29, 2013 19:02

Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (Justice Arc) (57-61/61)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Hal/Steve/Diana (Hal & Steve do not appear in Ch. 57), Aphrodite, Athena, Clark/Bruce, Dick/Roy (Roy does not appear in Ch. 57 & Ch. 61, only alluded to), Lex/Jamie (Jamie does not appear in Ch. 58), Lana Lang, Lois Lane, Mort Sawyer, Barry Allen, Alfred, Lionel Luthor, Barbara Gordon, Selina/Lois/Kathy (Selina does not appear in Ch. 61, only alluded to), Ollie/Dinah, Barry Allen, Hal/Steve/Diana, Arthur Curry, Katar/Shayera, Edmund Caldwell, Blond Slave, Xanther, Queen Hippolyta, Mala, Paula, Destiny, Brendan, Jack Kennedy, Jonathan/Martha
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. Clark begins training under the Bat and secrets are uncovered as the Abolitionist Movement makes rapid progress with old and new methods. Can Freedom outrace rumors of War as the Galactic Empire rushes headlong to a new future?
The entire series can be found here.
Genres: AU, Drama, Slavefic
Rating: (this chapter): PG-13, PG-13, NC-17, PG-13, NC-17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Important news is imparted on a breezy hill overlooking Boston Harbor and in a gazebo at Wayne Manor on a glorious autumn day.
Summary: The lifting of the Kryptonian Hunt Decree affects everyone.
Summary: Justice is served.
Summary: The calm before the storm.
Summary: Historic events take place as autumn leaves fall. ;)
Dates Of Completion (First Draft): November 20, 25, 27, 29, December 3, 2011
Dates Of Completion (First Draft) For All 9 Arcs: January 29, 2007-December 3, 2011
Dates Of Posting: February 26, March 1, 7, 15, 29, 2013
Dates Of Posting For All 9 Arcs: March 15, 2007-March 29, 2013
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 983 + 2321 + 1610 + 1019 + 2278 (Total: 8211)
Word Count For All 9 Arcs: 479,218
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: The magnificent story cover is by the wonderfully-talented ctbn60. Thanks so much, luv! :)

Chapter Fifty-Seven: Golden Day

Chapter Fifty-Eight: Secrets

Chapter Fifty-Nine: Just Desserts

Chapter Sixty: Rainbow Mists

Chapter Sixty-One: The Justice League Of America!!! ;)

superman/batman, rating: nc-17, fan fic, rating: pg-13, femmeslash, het, slash

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