Various drabbles

Feb 06, 2013 19:56

Title: Necking
Fandom: Young Justice cartoon
Pairing: Bart/Jaime
Rating: teen
Summary: For the Kink Bingo square 'collars'.

Title: Night Flight
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Kon/Cassie/Cissie
Rating: teen
Summary: For the Porn Battle prompt 'beach'.

Title: Strapped
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Tana/AU-girl-Kon
Rating: explicit
Summary: For the Kink Bingo square 'pegging/strap-ons'.

family: flash, family: arrows, family: super, fan fic, family: none, rating: pg-13, comics, slash, team: teen titans, rating: nc-17, team: young justice, family: wonders, het, femmeslash, rating: r

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