Fic: Rainbow’s Freedom (Justice Arc) (13-16/61)

May 22, 2012 16:33

Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (Justice Arc) (13-16/61)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: (these chapters): Kara Zor-El, Clark/Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Annie, Ollie/Dinah (Dinah does not appear in Ch. 15), Roy/Johnny, Brad Stryker, Sam Elkins, Jasper, Roy, Melody
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. Clark begins training under the Bat and secrets are uncovered as the Abolitionist Movement makes rapid progress with old and new methods. Can Freedom outrace rumors of War as the Galactic Empire rushes headlong to a new future?
The entire series can be found here.
Genres: AU, Drama, Slavefic
Rating: (these chapters): PG-13, PG-13, PG-13, NC-17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Kara visits Wayne Manor.
Summary: Kara and Clark learn startling revelations about each other.
Summary: Thanksgiving preparations are underway as an invitation arrives at Wayne Manor.
Summary: The Wayne Household arrives at Queens’ Castle.
Dates Of Completion (First Draft): March 17, 22, 25, 29, 2011
Dates Of Posting: May 4, 11, 21, 27, 2012
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 1881 + 2273 + 1649 + 1818 (Total: 7621)
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: The magnificent story cover is by the wonderfully-talented ctbn60. Thanks so much, luv! :)

Chapter Thirteen: The Great Savior

Chapter Fourteen: Tales Told

Chapter Fifteen: Chugging Along

Chapter Sixteen: Queens’ Castle

family: arrows, family: super, fan fic, family: bats, rating: pg-13, slash, superman/batman, rating: nc-17, het

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