Fic - Checkup

Mar 01, 2012 05:44

Title: Checkup
Author: shinysylver
Beta: somehowunbroken
Characters/Pairing: Clark/Lois, Bruce
Word Count: 688
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own anything DC.
Universe: Smallville and general DCU
Content Notes: contains mpreg
Summary: An ultrasound shows Clark and Lois their child for the first time.
Author's Note: Written for the Multifandom Het Mpreg Ficathon. That's right, this is mpreg within a het relationship. If only it could actually work that way in real life. All of the blame for this goes to somehowunbroken. All of it.

Checkup | AO3

family: super, fan fic, tv: smallville, het, rating: pg

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