Fic - Like Gravity

Feb 06, 2012 06:17

Title: Like Gravity
Author: shinysylver
Beta: somehowunbroken
Characters/Pairing: Clark/Lex
Word Count: 5171
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own anything DC.
Universe: Smallville and the JLA/JLU cartoon
Summary: The last thing Clark expected to find splashed across the front page of the Daily Planet was the headline “SUPERMAN-LEX LUTHOR SEX SCANDAL” in all capital letters.
Author's Note: Written for Angst_Bingo 2012: Scandal. This story is set in the Smallville universe but diverges into an AU future somewhere around the second season of the show. I have drawn significantly from the JLA/JLU cartoon to help create that future.

Like Gravity | AO3

fan fic, tv: smallville, rating: pg, cartoon: justice league/unlimited, slash

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