Fic: Rainbow’s Freedom (Project K Arc) (29-32/54)

Apr 13, 2011 20:03

Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (Project K Arc) (29-32/54)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: (these chapters): Carl Winslow, Clark/Bruce (Clark does not appear in Chapter 29), Edmund Caldwell, Harold Allston, Dick, Kathy/Serina (Kathy Kane), Jonathan/Martha, Carruthers, Addison Atterby, Kevin M’Butu, Alfred
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. New superheroes appear on the scene as the Abolitionist Movement gathers strength. Meanwhile, Lex gets his heart’s desire while long-held secrets begin to spill out of the Manor. Nothing will ever be the same again.
The entire series can be found here.
Genres: AU, Challenge, Drama, Slavefic
Challenge Category: Section E (Slavefic)
Rating: (these chapters): PG-13, PG-13, NC-17, PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: The blackmail noose tightens.
Summary: The blackmail money is delivered.
Summary: Batwoman breaks up a slave-smuggling ring.
Summary: The Caldwell trial concludes. Now it’s up to the jury.
Dates Of Completion (First Draft): November 8, 12, 15, 19, 2009
Dates Of Posting: April 7, 10, 12, 13, 2011
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 801 + 1162 + 786 + 1091 (Total: 3840)
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author's Note: Written for my 2010 DCU Fic/Art Bondage Challenge.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Off With His Head!!!"

Chapter Thirty: A Whiter Shade Of Pale

Chapter Thirty-One: Pleasant Interlude

Chapter Thirty-Two: Humanity’s Burden

family: super, fan fic, family: bats, rating: pg-13, slash, superman/batman, rating: nc-17, het, femmeslash

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