fic: Waters Cannot Quench (Young Justice cartoon)

Jan 25, 2011 15:43

Title: Waters Cannot Quench
Author: ciaan
Rating: explicit
Fandom: Young Justice cartoon (DCU)
Pairing/Characters: M'gann M'orzz/Kaldur'ahm (Miss Martian/Aqualad)
Warnings: underage, teenagers
Word Count: 2,400 words
Summary: A Martian and an Atlantean go swimming and telepathic sex ensues. Except M'gann thinks this Earth idea of sex is weird. (Ohhh look, I had to go and make it more science fictional and queer and have androgyne Martians.)

M'gann liked kissing. It was one of the strange Earth customs that she approved of and was glad to have learned about.

fan fic, family: none, slash, family: atlantis, team: young justice, rating: nc-17, het, rating: r

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