FIC: don't sound like no sonnet

Oct 19, 2010 20:30

Title: don't sound like no sonnet
Fandom: Justice League Unlimited
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wonder Woman (Diana), Bruce Wayne (Batman), mentions of Superman (Clark Kent); Batman/Wonder Woman UST
Rating: PG (at most)
Word Count: 400
Summary: Diana and Bruce have a talk while he's still recovering in the infirmity. As always, more is said than the words they exchange.
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of DC Comics/Warner Bros. Animation. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.
Notes: Episode tag to The Doomsday Sanction. For the prompt, "volcano, Wonder Woman/Batman" as part of an Alphabet Meme (which still needs prompts, so add one or more if you can!).

find it in my journal or via AO3 or even

(x-posted to batfic, jl_fic and wonderwomanlove)

team: justice league of america, fan fic, rating: pg, cartoon: justice league/unlimited

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