Intro Post

Mar 19, 2006 17:28

Welcome to the community!

I basically started this community because I'm lazy. When I want to read a good fic or review, I don't want to have to search through several different communities to do it. Hopefully, this will become just such a place.

My Favorite DCU-Related List:

Favorite Character: Donner/Reeve's Superman
Favorite Comic Writer: Grant Morrison and/or Gail Simone, depending on my mood.
Least Favorite Comic Writer: Frank Miller. I think he's about as overrated as vanilla ice cream.
Favorite Comic Artist: I'm boring and predictable, but Alex Ross.
Favorite Television Writer: Eh, don't really have one.
All Time Favorite Comic: "The Long Halloween." Dick's soo cute in that one. Even if an 8 year old Robin is ridiculous.
All Time Least Favorite Comic: "All Star Batman and Robin," of course.
Best Superman Movie: The First One. It's Epic.
Worst Superman Movie: IV. The Smallville scenes in III are at least watchable.
Best Batman Movie: Batman Begins. Um, Duh.
Worst Batman Movie: Batman 1989. It bored me. At least Batman and Robin made me laugh-unintentionally.
Best Smallville Ep: "Hourglass." Great foreshadowing, and highly overrated.
Worst Smallville Ep: Any ep with Chloe in it. Gah, can't stand her. I particularly hated, "Truth," because she didn't get punished in the least for her actions.
Feelings on Smallville as a Whole: A Fun Elseworlds. I enjoy Clark's angst.
Feelings on Toon Titans: I enjoy watching with my niece. It's getting her into the comics, which can only be a good thing.
Feelings on fan fic: I live for the stuff!
Slash or Het: I enjoy both.
Feelings of BoP, TV version: I only watched a few eps. I think it had lots of potential that was never quite captured.
The Huntress - Helena B. or Helena W.?: don't really have a preference.
Favorite DCAU show: JLU
Favorite DCAU episode: "Starcrossed." Sadness
Least Fav DCAU show: eh, don't really have one.
Least Fav DCAU ep: "Hawk and Dove."


pre-coie, family: flash, team: justice society of america, family: arrows, mod!post, tv: bop, screen caps, cartoon: justice league/unlimited, cartoon: teen titans, icon request, family: atlantis, review, comics other: vertigo, team: young justice, crossover, team: birds of prey, het, rating: pg, cartoon: superfriends, family: bats, rating: pg-13, movie: superman series, poll, comics other: marvel, tv: batman and robin, rating: g, team: green lantern, wallpaper, post-coie, scans, tv: smallville, movie: batman (etc), fan vid, tv: lois and clark adventures, cartoon: batman the animated series, team: justice league of america, comics reviews, fan art, rating: r, movie: supergirl, gen, cartoon: superman the animated series, icons, family: super, fan fic, family: none, comics, slash, team: teen titans, cartoon: batman beyond, movie: batman begins (etc), superman/batman, rating: nc-17, pimp, cartoon: the batman, family: wonders, femmeslash

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