FIC: Code Female (Guy Gardner/Dick Grayson) - bondage

Aug 11, 2009 10:51

DC Kink Challenge

Prompt:  Dick will sleep with any redhead.

Pairing:  Gardner/Dick

Kink:      Ring play, trash talk, dominating Guy

Title:     Code Female

Rating:  M

Summary:  A Green Lantern redneck takes out his anger on Batman on his not-exactly-reluctant son.  Got the idea of Dick being ‘code female’ from a Livejournal poster who commented on how Dick is always the passive party being kissed by a (female) aggressor.

Guy Gardner had always prided himself on being a man’s man, wearing the label “traditional macho” like a badge of honor and not the insult that his colleagues, most of them superheroines, had intended it to be  Hypnosis, magic, and sex pollen be damned, he’d swear he’d bed only one human form that moves - and it was called “female.”

But dammit, that confounded Bat family can push him beyond his limit.  First, that black-hooded ghoul humiliated him by one lucky punch in front of the entire Justice League.  Then, Junior had come-a-calling here to *his* sanctuary, his blessed bar, to supposedly apologize for his family; but a couple of beers and heated arguments later, it was clearly obvious that Nightwing intended Garden to apologize back!

That boy had a tighter ass than his old man.  But it looked a hell of a lot better.

Gardner had a good look when the arrogant pup turned his back on him and strutted away.  He had heard the whispers before of how Dick Grayson had the ‘best damn fine’ in the superhero community, but shrugged it off as women gossip.  But those two round globes that parted to reveal a teasing hole drew his eyes like a magnet---against his own inclinations.  Had he stared harder, he would have sworn they were shaped better than Diana’s boobs.

Maybe it was anger at his own reaction, a desire to hold on to those globes just a bit longer, but whatever it was, Gardner knew he had to keep Nightwing in the bar with him at all cost.  He didn’t think why, he didn’t care why, he acted on instinct, as he always had.  A couple of giant sprints and he was standing in the boy’s way, hollering with all his might, demanding that the figure in blue pay all due respect.

And what better way to make a stand than to push Nightwing back and grab him at the same time, his rough open palm grabbing that hero’s other mound of flesh, his right pectoral which the Kevlar did not quite hide?

Gardner didn’t even realize that his fingers were rubbing Nightwing’s pectoral muscle, until he felt the nipple hardening under the uniform.  His eyes locked with Grayson’s---and for a second, before the younger hero gained the presence of mind to throw a punch, his eyelids drooped, his lips parted almost shyly, and his face blushed.

And that was all that Gardner’s guts and groin needed to tell him.  Doesn’t matter if Dick Grayson was the son of the Batman or the lover of Starfire - he coded female.  A beauty waiting to be ravished.  And Guy Gardner was only too willing to oblige him.

Payback to the Bat while pleasuring himself.  It was, after all, only Justice.

Only two minutes after he had finally unleashed his ring, Gardner knew that he had read the signals right.  Green energy ropes lashed the pup upright, standing spread-eagled in the middle of the bar.  One set of ropes stretched his arms, making his biceps bulge while thrusting that booby chest forward.  The other set kept those acrobatic legs at bay, preventing a kick or leap.  Yet not all the protests and curses of the pup could obscure the fact that Grayson was getting a kick out of this; that hardness between his legs and of the nipples that threatened to poke out of the Kevlar betrayed his feelings.

Gardner decided to relieve him of some of the pressure.  Two emerald hooks neatly sliced the part of the Kevlar that hid Nightwing’s chest.  Once the material slid to the floor, Nightwing’s pecs bulged out and it was all that Gardner could do to stop himself from squeezing and biting on them.  He was a man, after all, and he had a rep to protect.  Instead, he changed the hooks into suction cups that clamped down hard on the boy’s man tits and kept on squeezing without respite.

“Gardner,” Grayson finally managed to get a few mumbles out of his heaving chest.

Gardner stepped closer, so close that Grayson could smell his breath.  Damn, the boy was beautiful.  The body of an Adonis, eyes as blue as the sky, and the face of a movie star.  But beyond that, underneath that toned muscle, he was soft.  Gardner knew the signs, and Grayson’s body contradicted his vehement protests.  The pup’s chest arched upwards in invitation, not in defiance.  His legs didn’t fight against the ropes and try to close in defense, but instead swayed and maneuvered, each move an effort to make sure they remain open.  And the damned boy kept on craning his neck, like it was waiting for a mouth to feast on it.

Code female.  The boy was sex appeal personified, and it was a shame he wasn’t born a girl.

But it was a stroke of good luck that he could become a way to make Batman pay.  Gardner turned his ring on Grayson’s face, the green hue brighter than usual.  Grayson gasped as for a second it blinded him. Not every Justice Leaguer knew it, but there were times that the ring could function like Diana’s lasso and become a conduit of truth.

“Listen, boy, I could let you go right now, but do you really want me to?”  Gardner made his lazy drawl sound  casual.

“Yes---no!”  Grayson’s eyes snapped open in horror and humiliation at his self-revelation.

Perfect.  Gardner grinned.  He intensified the truth light a bit more.  With his other hand, he stroked the boy’s face, petting it.  “So, the truth is---you want to be my bitch?”

“No---yes!”  Nightwing bit his lip and groaned.

The confession lifted the last of the guilt that kept Gardner’s lust at bay.  He had never seen a partner this vulnerable, this willing, this needy.  The ring must have sensed it too; it glowed with a gleam that throbbed with excitement as it performed the Green Lantern’s work.  As the suction cups continued their torture of Nightwing’s nipples, green knives shred his clothes to pieces in seconds.  An emerald hand milked Nightwing’s oozing cock, while a green expanding dildo lodged and slowly entered his ass.

Through it all, Gardner kept his green light on that beautiful face.  The truth could not be hidden.  Protests turned into moans of pleasure, and the closed look that copied the Bat’s gave way to moaning submissive ecstasy.

“Geez, Grayson, you’re such a whore!”  Gardner mocked him throughout.  “Under that cowl of control, you’re just a needy slut!”

Nightwing’s body answered for him.  He yielded in its writhing, and sweat signaled his submission.  And the hardness in his groin and nipples only underscored the softness that lurked inside.  No orifice of him was spared Gardner’s green sex weapons.  Emerald energy bolts filled his hole, pierced his nipples, and rolled into a ball that gagged his mouth.

Gardner himself was on a roll.  The green waves of lust that ravished Nightwing rippled through him, shooting like fire in his veins and his groin.  He was the undisputed master here, his every wish a command for his slave, and the ring was the conduit that bonded their mutual desire.  Their joint climax was instantaneous - and as the green coils of energy gently laid down the nude Nightwing on the floor, they draped the Green Lantern, still in uniform except for his limp cock, on top of him like a shield and canopy.

Almost as if in silent agreement, neither of the heroes spoke about their experience afterwards.  They didn’t even speak to each other after awakening, instead taking separate showers.  Grayson, though, was still blushing red when he left Gardner’s bar without a word.

The red blush never disappeared.  It would creep into Nightwing’s features every now and then.  Every time the Justice League talked about his mentor’s famous confrontation with Guy Gardner.  At his colleagues’ questions on why he zipped up the Kevlar collar a few more inches up his neck.  And every time a green power ring, though deactivated and regardless of which Green Lantern was wearing it, was pointed in his direction.

As for Gardner, nobody could say that he dated anyone but women.  More careful observers though, had they been looking, would have noted that in every superhero meeting, he’d always stand a few inches behind Nightwing.  And though the two heroes rarely interacted, Gardner’s ring would blaze a sudden bright green when they did have that brief conversation.

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