Fic dump!

Mar 01, 2009 17:40

How did we not find this community before?!

Anyway, we are Nightmare and Winged Dreamer, and we love writing DCU fanfiction. Rather than take up half the page with a monster long post, here's a link to our Master Story List on our lj:

( Fic List! )

On it there are:
5 Kon / Tim (Superboy / Robin iii)
3 Dick / Kory (Nightwing / Starfire)
3 Bart / Cassie (Kid Flash ii / Wonder Girl ii)
1 Wally / Linda (Flash / His wife)

Please be aware that a lot of our fics are NC-17, just in case that doesn't float your boat.

Happy reading! And if you do read, please review! Reviews feed the bunnies and keep them hopping.

family: flash, family: super, fan fic, family: bats, comics, slash, team: teen titans, cartoon: teen titans, team: young justice, pimp, family: wonders, het

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