They Got It All - M - Chloe/Oliver (Prompt 10/10)

Sep 15, 2008 18:21

Title: They Got It All
Rating: M
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Prompt: #10 - Eternal
Word Count: 5,796
Warning(s): Prompts are in no specific order and do not relate to each other!
Summary: Fifty Eight years of happiness, joy and everlasting love.

Prompts: #1 - Blood, #2 - Passion#3 - Why, #4 - Nerves#5 - Gift, #6 - Alone, #7 - Destiny, #8 - Follow, #9 - Haunted
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WARNING: My journal is locked to those too young to read explicit material. If you are of age, 18, (birth year *must* be shown on profile!) then feel encouraged to add me and you shall be granted access! 

family: arrows, rating: nc-17, team: justice league of america, fan fic, rating: pg-13, tv: smallville, het

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