Fanfiction: The JLI saves the world . . . sort of.

Sep 09, 2008 19:29

Link to my journal.  This is a thing that I am actually pretty proud of.  There may or may not be more in this 'verse.  I hope there is, because it's living in my brain, but nothing's written yet.

Title: Saving Grace
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing/Characters: gen; Birds of Prey, Arrowclan, Batclan, some Supers, two Lindas, Beetle and Booster, J’onn
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Canon AU.  Oracle watches over a world slow to heal from Checkmate's control.
Disclaimer: DC owns them, I just hijack them and give them new lives.
Author's Notes: NOT FINAL CRISIS COMPLIANT. This interrupts Booster Gold canon literally a page and a half before the end of issue #9. For those not up on Booster Gold, Booster and a bunch of time-traveling Beetles went back in time and saved Ted Kord. When Ted and Booster came back to OYL, they found a world where Max Lord won because Ted hadn’t died and alerted the heroic community to Max’s plan. Thousands of people and dozens of superheroes are dead. Max has been using a mind-controlled Superman, Brother Eye, and the OMACS to, basically, rule the world. Booster, Ted, and a reunited JLI shut down Brother Eye and kill Max Lord.  This is where our story begins.
Word Count: 6,380

( Follow the fake cut! )

family: arrows, fan fic, team: birds of prey, comics, gen

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