Sep 23, 2005 10:56
well i havent for real updated in awhile. nothing new or exciting, just working and schooling. personal life more or less the same...going to windsor (FINALLY!!!) this weekend. im actually enjoy school and class...its class is actually pretty fun compared to the last one i took, its a more friendly environment, thus making CSU crap. history class...well its history...ive been, for the most part, intoxicated on the weekends, i aint mad at it. im thinking that im making sure im intoxicated on the weekends for reasons id rather not discuss...anyways...ive been sort of a hermit yet i find myself being busy and wondering where the day goes...but then again i really wouldnt be a hermit if im out all weekend now would i? maybe i just feel like a hermit...ive more or less decided that pretty much frat guys, no matter how different you think/they say they are, arent so different, but then you run into the total dude-bros which are the worst kind of guy there is, other than the over-emotional ones. but out of the two im not sure which id choose...i guess id rather be alone!! the new emery cd, the question, is actually pretty good, not as addictive as the fall out boy, but just as good. work has become redundant, monotonous, but i guess thats to be expected. pet peeve-the smell of cigarettes, and cigarette ash...ughhhhh....i dont think i could date or be with a guy who smokes...i mean he can just not around me, it makes me want to vom.