Mar 31, 2005 19:00
Me and Steph's bloody brilliant British dictionary:
Loo(noun)lew: wash room; bathroom; restroom.
Bloke(noun)blow-ck: someone of the male gender; boy; guy; chap. See arse.
Mate(noun)may-t: friend; buddy; pal.
Nuddy-pants(verb)new-d-pants: nude; naked; unclothed.
Bloody(adjective)er... bloody?: a british swear word. Somewhat like freaking or um, the other word.
Snogg(verb)snaw-g: to kiss; snogged; snogging; snogger.
Arse(noun)are-ss: rear end; buttocks; and most importantly, ass.
Haha, gotta love those British. I did that dictionary myself, but those are all acurate British terms. Try not to laugh too hard :)